Commit fb37fa19 by Max Rothman

Add script & playbook for reporting on package upgrades

parent d86021a6
#!/usr/bin/env python
import apt
import argparse
def parse_args():
description = "Print machine-readable output detailing available upgrades for specified packages"
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description)
parser.add_argument('-y', '--yaml', action='store_true',
help="change output format to YAML (NB: requires pyyaml) [default: JSON]")
parser.add_argument('-a', '--all', action='store_true', help="check all packages for upgrade")
parser.add_argument('packages', nargs='*', help="packages to check for upgrade")
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.yaml:
import yaml
global yaml
import json
global json
return args
def check_upgrade(pkg):
if pkg.installed != pkg.candidate:
return {
'current_version': pkg.installed.version,
'new_version': pkg.candidate.version,
'summary': pkg.candidate.summary,
'current_md5': pkg.installed.md5,
'new_md5': pkg.candidate.md5,
'homepage': pkg.candidate.homepage,
def main(args):
need_upgrade = {}
cache = apt.Cache()
if args.all:
for pkg in cache:
if pkg.is_installed:
result = check_upgrade(pkg)
if result:
need_upgrade[] = result
for pkg_name in args.packages:
if pkg_name not in cache:
raise Exception('no package named "{}" exists in the cache!'.format(pkg_name))
result = check_upgrade(cache[pkg_name])
if result:
need_upgrade[pkg_name] = result
if need_upgrade:
if args.yaml:
output = yaml.dump(need_upgrade, default_flow_style=False)
output = json.dumps(need_upgrade)
print output
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Spawn an instance from an AMI and then report if any packages need to be upgraded
# Usage:
# ansible-playbook check_package_upgrades.yml -i localhost, -e 'packages="PKG1 PKG2 ..."' -e 'ami=ami-xxxxxxxx'
# -e 'key_name=KEY' -e 'security_group=sg-xxxxxxxx' -e 'subnet_id=subnet-xxxxxxxx'
# Required arguments:
# -e 'packages="PKG1 ...": space-separated list of packages to check
# -e 'ami=ami-xxxxxxxx': AMI ID to use for the instance
# -e 'key_name=KEY': private ssh key to use for the instance
# -e 'security_group=sg-xxxxxxxx': security group to use for the instance
# -e subnet_id=subnet-xxxxxxxx': subnet to use for the instance
# Relevant optional arguments:
# -e 'script_path=PATH': path to the script
# -e 'report_dest_path=PATH': path to which the resulting report will be written.
# --private-key=PATH_TO_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE: ssh key to use when connecting to the new host
# -e 'key_name': AWS key to use for the new instance. This key must be available locally
# either as an ssh profile or as specified with the above option.
# -e 'profile=PROFILE': AWS profile to use for AWS API calls
# -e 'region=REGION': AWS region to make the instance in
# -e 'security_group_id=sg-xxxxxxxx': security group to attach to the new instance
# -e 'subnet_id=subnet-xxxxxxxx': subnet to make the new instance in
# -e 'instance_type=INSTANCE.TYPE': instance type to use
#Get an AMI ID from an E-D-P:
#lconfig=$(aws autoscaling describe-auto-scaling-groups |
# jq -r ".AutoScalingGroups[] | select(.Tags[] | select(.Key == \"Name\").Value == \"$edc\").LaunchConfigurationName")
#if [ $(echo $lconfig | wc -l) -ne 1 ]; then
# echo "More than 1 ASG found for E-D-P: $edp"
# exit 1
# ami=$(aws autoscaling describe-launch-configurations --launch-configuration-names $lconfig |
# jq -r '.LaunchConfigurations[].ImageId')
- name: Launch instance for checking packages
hosts: localhost
connection: local
gather_facts: false
ami: !!null
profile: !!null
security_group_id: !!null
subnet_id: !!null
key_name: !!null
region: us-east-1
instance_type: t2.large
- name: Launch instance
image: "{{ ami }}"
instance_type: "{{ instance_type }}"
profile: "{{ profile }}"
region: "{{ region }}"
group_id: "{{ security_group_id }}"
vpc_subnet_id: "{{ subnet_id }}"
key_name: "{{ key_name }}"
- device_name: /dev/sda1
delete_on_termination: true
volume_size: 50
Name: temp-package-checker
wait: yes
register: instance
- name: Wait for instance to be ready
host: "{{ instance.instances.0.private_ip }}"
port: 22
- name: Add new instance to host group
hostname: "{{ instance.instances.0.private_ip }}"
id: "{{ }}"
groups: instance_group
ansible_ssh_user: ubuntu
- name: Check for package upgrades
hosts: instance_group
become: true
packages: !!null
script_path: ./
report_dest_path: .
- name: Update apt cache
update_cache: yes
- name: Install pyyaml to allow for yaml script output
name: pyyaml
state: present
- name: Transfer package-checking script
src: "{{ script_path }}"
dest: /tmp/
mode: 0700
- name: Run package-checking script
shell: /tmp/ -y {{ packages }} > /tmp/upgrade_results.yml
- name: Retrieve results
src: /tmp/upgrade_results.yml
dest: "{{ report_dest_path}}"
flat: true
- name: Clean up instance
hosts: localhost
connection: local
region: us-east-1
- name: Terminate instance
state: absent
instance_ids: "{{ hostvars[groups.instance_group.0].id }}"
region: "{{ region }}"
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