Commit facd50e3 by David Baumgold

Jenkins should save the state of the rbenv

parent 6aa3a213
......@@ -10,4 +10,5 @@
- include: system.yml
- include: python.yml
- include: ruby.yml
- include: jscover.yml
# Archive the current state of the rbenv
# as a starting point for new builds.
# The edx-rbenv directory is deleted and then recreated
# cleanly from the archive by the jenkins build scripts.
- name: Create a clean rbenv archive
command: >
tar -cpzf edx-rbenv_clean.tar.gz {{ jenkins_rbenv_root }}
chdir={{ jenkins_home }}
creates={{ jenkins_home }}/edx-rbenv_clean.tar.gz
sudo_user: "{{ jenkins_user }}"
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