Commit f77cbfe3 by John Jarvis

Support --check mode for ansible

In order to support --check we need to ensure that registered
vars exist before checking their stdout. Otherwise ansible
errors out.
parent ec9356f0
......@@ -34,11 +34,13 @@
/edx/bin/s3cmd get {{ s3cmd_out_forum.stdout }} --skip-existing
tags: update_mongo_data
when: s3cmd_out_forum.stdout is defined
- name: untar the s3 backup
shell: >
tar zxf {{ s3cmd_out_forum.stdout|basename }}
when: s3cmd_out_forum.stdout is defined
tags: update_mongo_data
......@@ -53,12 +55,14 @@
/edx/bin/s3cmd get {{ s3cmd_out_modulestore.stdout }} --skip-existing
tags: update_mongo_data
when: s3cmd_out_modulestore.stdout is defined
- name: untar the s3 backup
shell: >
tar zxf {{ s3cmd_out_modulestore.stdout|basename }}
tags: update_mongo_data
when: s3cmd_out_modulestore.stdout is defined
- name: Restore the mongo data for the forums
shell: >
......@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
- name: update supervisor configuration
shell: "{{ supervisor_ctl }} -c {{ supervisor_cfg }} update"
register: supervisor_update
changed_when: supervisor_update.stdout != ""
changed_when: supervisor_update.stdout is defined and supervisor_update.stdout != ""
when: not disable_edx_services
- name: ensure alton is started
......@@ -54,4 +54,4 @@
config={{ supervisor_cfg }}
when: not disable_edx_services
......@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
shell: "{{ supervisor_ctl }} -c {{ supervisor_cfg }} update"
register: supervisor_update
sudo_user: "{{ supervisor_service_user }}"
changed_when: supervisor_update.stdout != ""
changed_when: supervisor_update.stdout is defined and supervisor_update.stdout != ""
when: not disable_edx_services
- name: ensure certs has started
......@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@
- name: update devpi supervisor configuration
shell: "{{ devpi_supervisor_ctl }} -c {{ devpi_supervisor_cfg }} update"
register: supervisor_update
changed_when: supervisor_update.stdout != ""
changed_when: supervisor_update.stdout is defined and supervisor_update.stdout != ""
- name: ensure devpi is started
supervisorctl_local: >
......@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@
shell: "{{ supervisor_ctl }} -c {{ supervisor_cfg }} update"
register: supervisor_update
sudo_user: "{{ supervisor_service_user }}"
changed_when: supervisor_update.stdout != ""
changed_when: supervisor_update.stdout is defined and supervisor_update.stdout != ""
when: not disable_edx_services
- name: ensure discern, discern_celery has started
......@@ -309,7 +309,7 @@
sudo_user: "{{ edxapp_sandbox_user }}"
register: sandbox_install_output
changed_when: "'installed' in sandbox_install_output"
changed_when: sandbox_install_output.stdout is defined and 'installed' in sandbox_install_output.stdout
- "restart edxapp"
- "restart edxapp_workers"
......@@ -372,7 +372,7 @@
shell: "{{ supervisor_ctl }} -c {{ supervisor_cfg }} update"
register: supervisor_update
sudo_user: "{{ supervisor_service_user }}"
changed_when: supervisor_update.stdout != ""
changed_when: supervisor_update.stdout is defined and supervisor_update.stdout != ""
when: not disable_edx_services
- name: ensure edxapp has started
......@@ -62,6 +62,6 @@
shell: "{{ supervisor_ctl }} -c {{ supervisor_cfg }} update"
register: supervisor_update
sudo_user: "{{ supervisor_service_user }}"
changed_when: supervisor_update.stdout != ""
changed_when: supervisor_update.stdout is defined and supervisor_update.stdout != ""
- "restart flower"
......@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
- name: update supervisor configuration
shell: "{{ supervisor_ctl }} -c {{ supervisor_cfg }} update"
register: supervisor_update
changed_when: supervisor_update.stdout != ""
changed_when: supervisor_update.stdout is defined supervisor_update.stdout != ""
when: not disable_edx_services
- name: ensure forum is started
......@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@
shell: "{{ supervisor_ctl }} -c {{ supervisor_cfg }} update"
register: supervisor_update
when: not disable_edx_services
changed_when: supervisor_update.stdout != ""
changed_when: supervisor_update.stdout is defined supervisor_update.stdout != ""
- name: ensure ora is started
supervisorctl_local: >
......@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
shell: >
gdebi --n {{ rabbitmq_pkg_url|basename }}
when: is_installed.stdout == "not installed"
when: is_installed.stdout is defined and is_installed.stdout == "not installed"
- name: stop rabbit cluster
service: name=rabbitmq-server state=stopped
......@@ -83,16 +83,16 @@
git: >
repo= dest={{ tempdir.stdout }}/ruby-build
when: rbuild_present|failed or (installable_ruby_vers is defined and rbenv_ruby_version not in installable_ruby_vers)
when: tempdir.stdout is defined and (rbuild_present|failed or (installable_ruby_vers is defined and rbenv_ruby_version not in installable_ruby_vers))
sudo_user: "{{ rbenv_user }}"
- name: install ruby-build
command: ./ chdir={{ tempdir.stdout }}/ruby-build
when: rbuild_present|failed or (installable_ruby_vers is defined and rbenv_ruby_version not in installable_ruby_vers)
when: tempdir.stdout is defined and (rbuild_present|failed or (installable_ruby_vers is defined and rbenv_ruby_version not in installable_ruby_vers))
- name: remove temporary directory
file: path={{ tempdir.stdout }} state=absent
when: rbuild_present|failed or (installable_ruby_vers is defined and rbenv_ruby_version not in installable_ruby_vers)
when: tempdir.stdout is defined and (rbuild_present|failed or (installable_ruby_vers is defined and rbenv_ruby_version not in installable_ruby_vers))
- name: check ruby {{ rbenv_ruby_version }} installed
shell: "rbenv versions | grep {{ rbenv_ruby_version }}"
......@@ -25,37 +25,37 @@
- name: stop supervisor
stat: path=/etc/init/supervisor.conf
register: stat_out
changed_when: stat_out.stat.exists
changed_when: stat_out is defined and stat_out.stat.exists
notify: stop supervisor
- name: stop supervisor.devpi
stat: path=/etc/init/supervisor.devpi.conf
register: stat_out
changed_when: stat_out.stat.exists
changed_when: stat_out is defined and stat_out.stat.exists
notify: stop supervisor
- name: stop nginx
stat: path=/etc/init.d/nginx
register: stat_out
changed_when: stat_out.stat.exists
changed_when: stat_out is defined and stat_out.stat.exists
notify: stop nginx
- name: stop rabbitmq-server
stat: path=/etc/init.d/rabbitmq-server
register: stat_out
changed_when: stat_out.stat.exists
changed_when: stat_out is defined and stat_out.stat.exists
notify: stop rabbitmq-server
- name: stop memcached
stat: path=/etc/init.d/memcached
register: stat_out
changed_when: stat_out.stat.exists
changed_when: stat_out is defined and stat_out.stat.exists
notify: stop memcached
- name: stop mongodb
stat: path=/etc/init.d/mongodb
register: stat_out
changed_when: stat_out.stat.exists
changed_when: stat_out is defined and stat_out.stat.exists
notify: stop mongodb
- shell: "true"
......@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@
- name: write the pre_suprevisor python script
copy: >
dest={{ supervisor_app_dir }}/
owner={{ supervisor_user }}
......@@ -166,4 +166,4 @@
- name: update supervisor configuration
shell: "{{ supervisor_ctl }} -c {{ supervisor_cfg }} update"
register: supervisor_update
changed_when: supervisor_update.stdout != ""
changed_when: supervisor_update.stdout is defined and supervisor_update.stdout != ""
......@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
- name: update supervisor configuration
shell: "{{ supervisor_ctl }} -c {{ supervisor_cfg }} update"
register: supervisor_update
changed_when: supervisor_update.stdout != ""
changed_when: supervisor_update.stdout is defined and supervisor_update.stdout != ""
when: not disable_edx_services
- name: ensure xqueue, consumer is running
......@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
- name: update supervisor configuration
shell: "{{ supervisor_ctl }} -c {{ supervisor_cfg }} update"
register: supervisor_update
changed_when: supervisor_update.stdout != ""
changed_when: supervisor_update.stdout is defined and supervisor_update.stdout != ""
when: not disable_edx_services
- name: ensure xserver is started
......@@ -31,6 +31,10 @@ if [[ $run_migrations == "true" ]]; then
ansible_extra_vars+=" -e migrate_db=yes"
if [[ $check_mode == "true" ]]; then
ansible_extra_vars+=" --check"
if [[ ! -z "$run_on_single_ip" ]]; then
......@@ -46,4 +50,4 @@ fi
ansible-playbook -v -u ubuntu $ansible_play -i ./ $ansible_task_tags --limit $ansible_limit -e@"$WORKSPACE/configuration-secure/ansible/vars/${deployment_tag}.yml" -e@"$WORKSPACE/configuration-secure/ansible/vars/${environment_tag}-${deployment_tag}.yml" $ansible_extra_vars
ansible-playbook -v -D -u ubuntu $ansible_play -i ./ $ansible_task_tags --limit $ansible_limit -e@"$WORKSPACE/configuration-secure/ansible/vars/${deployment_tag}.yml" -e@"$WORKSPACE/configuration-secure/ansible/vars/${environment_tag}-${deployment_tag}.yml" $ansible_extra_vars
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