Commit f45f735e by Feanil Patel

We don't seem to need.

We install the rabbit deb from

I was able to install rabbit and all of its apps at the same
version we have in production without adding the rabbit PPA.
parent 3132e283
......@@ -29,8 +29,6 @@ RABBITMQ_CLUSTERED_HOSTS: []
# option to force deletion of the mnesia dir
rabbitmq_refresh: false
rabbitmq_apt_key: ""
rabbitmq_repository: "deb testing main"
# We mirror the deb package for rabbitmq-server because
# nodes need to be running the same version
rabbitmq_pkg_url: ""
......@@ -3,15 +3,9 @@
# There is a bug with initializing multiple nodes in the HA cluster at once
- name: trust rabbit repository
apt_key: url={{ rabbitmq_apt_key }} state=present
- name: install python-software-properties if debian
apt: pkg={{ ",".join(rabbitmq_debian_pkgs) }} state=present
- name: add rabbit repository
apt_repository: repo="{{ rabbitmq_repository }}" state=present update_cache=yes
- name: fetch the rabbitmq server deb
get_url: >
url={{ rabbitmq_pkg_url }}
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