Commit f3e12cd8 by Feanil Patel

Add a dns name to the rds.

parent 6e68f071
......@@ -78,8 +78,14 @@ def elbs_for_stack_name(stack_name):
if elb.vpc_id == vpc_id:
yield elb
def rdss_for_stack_name(stack_name):
vpc_id = vpc_for_stack_name(stack_name)
rds = boto.connect_rds()
for instance in rds.get_all_dbinstances():
if hasattr(instance, 'VpcId') and instance.VpcId == vpc_id:
yield instance
def ensure_service_dns(elb, prefix, zone):
def ensure_service_dns(generated_dns_name, prefix, zone):
dns_template = "{prefix}.{zone_name}"
# Have to remove the trailing period that is on zone names.
......@@ -87,7 +93,7 @@ def ensure_service_dns(elb, prefix, zone):
dns_name = dns_template.format(prefix=prefix,
add_or_update_record(zone, dns_name, 'CNAME', 600, [elb.dns_name])
add_or_update_record(zone, dns_name, 'CNAME', 600, [generated_dns_name])
if __name__ == "__main__":
......@@ -102,7 +108,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
stack_name = args.stackname
# Create DNS for edxapp and xqueue.
dns_settings = {
elb_dns_settings = {
'edxapp': ['courses', 'studio'],
'xqueue': ['xqueue'],
'rabbit': ['rabbit'],
......@@ -118,9 +124,18 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
stack_elbs = elbs_for_stack_name(stack_name)
for elb in stack_elbs:
for role, dns_prefixes in dns_settings.items():
for role, dns_prefixes in elb_dns_settings.items():
#FIXME this breaks when the service name is in the stack name ie. testforumstack.
# Get the tags for the instances in this elb and compare the service against the role tag.
if role in elb.dns_name.lower():
for prefix in dns_prefixes:
ensure_service_dns(elb, prefix, zone)
ensure_service_dns(elb.dns_name, prefix, zone)
# Add a DNS name for the RDS
stack_rdss = list(rdss_for_stack_name(stack_name))
if len(stack_rdss) != 1:
msg = "Didn't find exactly one RDS in this VPC(Found {})"
raise Exception(msg.format(len(stack_rdss)))
ensure_service_dns(stack_rdss[0].endpoint[0], 'rds', zone)
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