Commit e9e4d2f9 by Max Rothman

edxapp DB sanitization script moved into sysadmin repo

parent ee1e58f1
Remove all password hashes, even for edx employees
UPDATE auth_user
password = '!';
UPDATE student_passwordhistory
password = '!';
Rewrite all emails to used the SES simulator, simulating success.
Anonymize other user information. Skip accounts
UPDATE auth_user
email = concat('success+',cast(id AS CHAR),''),
username = SUBSTRING(SHA1(CONCAT(username,CAST(id as CHAR))) FROM 1 FOR 30),
first_name = concat('user-',cast(id AS CHAR)),
last_name = concat('user-',cast(id AS CHAR)),
last_login = null,
date_joined = "1970-01-01 00:00:00"
where email not like ('');
There are a handful of email changes requests captured in flight.
UPDATE student_pendingemailchange
set new_email = concat('success+',cast(user_id AS CHAR),'');
Differs slightly to prevent creating duplicate email records.
User id isn't stored here and this email is probably not used for
sending email, but cannot hurt.
UPDATE student_courseenrollmentallowed
set email = concat('success+','courseenrollmentallowed_',cast(id AS CHAR),'');
Set the name to the userid and empty the other fields
This will also empty user profile data for edx employees
UPDATE auth_userprofile
name = concat('user-',cast(id as CHAR)),
language = "",
location = "",
meta = "",
gender = null,
mailing_address = null,
year_of_birth = null,
level_of_education = null,
goals = null,
country = "",
city = null;
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