Commit e18f2ca0 by Max Rothman

Fix per comment

parent c551d6b7
......@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ cassandra_data_dir_prefix: /var/lib/cassandra/data
#should be parallel to cassandra_ephemeral_disks if there are any
cassandra_data_dirs: ["data.1"]
#These are set by the package. Don't change them!
cassandra_user: "cassandra"
cassandra_group: "cassandra"
......@@ -26,7 +27,7 @@ cassandra_seeds: [""]
cassandra_snitch: "SimpleSnitch"
#set this ONLY when initializing a new cluster with NO DATA
cassandra_auto_bootstrap: true
cassandra_auto_bootstrap: false
# For single-node locally-accessible deployments only! Otherwise, use:
# cassandra_listen_address: ""
- name: Make sure the cassandra group is present
name: "{{cassandra_group}}"
state: present
- name: Make sure the cassandra user is present
name: "{{cassandra_user}}"
group: "{{cassandra_group}}"
home: "{{cassandra_home}}"
createhome: yes
shell: /bin/false
- name: Make sure the cassandra user home has correct permissions
path: "{{cassandra_home}}"
owner: "{{cassandra_user}}"
group: "{{cassandra_group}}"
- name: Unmount disks mounted to the wrong place
name: "{{ item[0].mount }}"
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