Commit db4211d6 by Matjaz Gregoric Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #3661 from open-craft/mtyaka/autorestart-workers

Always autorestart edxapp workers
parents e1b2b3e7 ff013905
......@@ -10,6 +10,11 @@ stderr_logfile={{ supervisor_log_dir }}/%(program_name)s-stderr.log
command={{ edxapp_venv_dir + '/bin/newrelic-admin run-program ' if w.monitor and COMMON_ENABLE_NEWRELIC_APP else ''}}{{ edxapp_venv_bin }}/python {{ edxapp_code_dir }}/ {{ w.service_variant }} --settings={{ worker_django_settings_module }} celery worker --loglevel=info --queues=edx.{{ w.service_variant }}.core.{{ w.queue }} --hostname=edx.{{ w.service_variant }}.core.{{ w.queue }}.%%h --concurrency={{ w.concurrency }} {{ '--maxtasksperchild ' + w.max_tasks_per_child|string if w.max_tasks_per_child is defined else '' }}
stopwaitsecs={{ w.stopwaitsecs | default(EDXAPP_WORKER_DEFAULT_STOPWAITSECS) }}
; Set autorestart to `true`. The default value for autorestart is `unexpected`, but celery < 4.x will exit
; with an exit code of zero for certain types of unrecoverable errors, so we must make sure that the workers
; are auto restarted even when exiting with code 0.
; The Celery bug was reported in, and is fixed in Celery 4.0.0.
{% endfor %}
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