Commit d9615566 by John Jarvis

Merge pull request #972 from edx/jarv/change-host-specifiers

using hosts all for commoncluster
parents 2c9ae754 3aa216bd
# ansible-playbook -i commoncluster.yml --extra-vars "deployment=edge env=stage" -e@/path/to/vars/env-deployment.yml -T 30 --list-hosts
# ansible-playbook -i commoncluster.yml --limit tag_Name_stage-edx-commoncluster -e@/path/to/vars/env-deployment.yml -T 30 --list-hosts
- hosts: tag_play_commoncluster:&tag_environment_{{ env }}:&tag_deployment_{{ deployment }}
- hosts: all
sudo: True
serial: 1
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
# In order to reconfigure the host resolution we are issuing a
# reboot.
- hosts: tag_play_commoncluster:&tag_environment_{{ env }}:&tag_deployment_{{ deployment }}
- hosts: all
sudo: True
serial: 1
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