Commit d7d7839e by Kevin Falcone

Remove almost all references to syncdb

Django 1.8 removed the syncdb command so we can no longer run it, don't
imply that we are running it in documentation/messages, also don't
provide the scripts used on devstack/sandboxes to run it since they'll
never work anyway.

Additionally - remove yet another openid workaround which is unnecesary
since the Django 1.8 upgrade.
parent a0cd13c6
......@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
- deploy
- name: syncdb and migrate
- name: migrate
shell: >
{{ edxapp_venv_dir }}/bin/python lms migrate --settings=aws
chdir={{ edxapp_code_dir }}
......@@ -311,8 +311,6 @@ EDXAPP_AUTOMATOR_AUTHORIZED_KEYS: []
- "ALL=({{ common_web_user }}) NOPASSWD:SETENV:{{ COMMON_BIN_DIR }}/python.edxapp {{ COMMON_BIN_DIR }}/manage.edxapp lms migrate *"
- "ALL=({{ common_web_user }}) NOPASSWD:SETENV:{{ COMMON_BIN_DIR }}/python.edxapp {{ COMMON_BIN_DIR }}/manage.edxapp cms migrate *"
- "ALL=({{ common_web_user }}) NOPASSWD:SETENV:{{ COMMON_BIN_DIR }}/python.edxapp {{ COMMON_BIN_DIR }}/manage.edxapp lms syncdb *"
- "ALL=({{ common_web_user }}) NOPASSWD:SETENV:{{ COMMON_BIN_DIR }}/python.edxapp {{ COMMON_BIN_DIR }}/manage.edxapp cms syncdb *"
- "ALL=({{ common_web_user }}) NOPASSWD:SETENV:{{ COMMON_BIN_DIR }}/python.edxapp {{ COMMON_BIN_DIR }}/manage.edxapp lms seed_permissions_roles *"
- "ALL=({{ common_web_user }}) NOPASSWD:SETENV:{{ COMMON_BIN_DIR }}/python.edxapp {{ COMMON_BIN_DIR }}/manage.edxapp lms set_staff *"
- "ALL=({{ common_web_user }}) NOPASSWD:SETENV:{{ COMMON_BIN_DIR }}/python.edxapp {{ COMMON_BIN_DIR }}/manage.edxapp lms transfer_students *"
......@@ -596,7 +594,6 @@ edxapp_aa_command: "{% if EDXAPP_SANDBOX_ENFORCE %}aa-enforce{% else %}aa-compla
- edxapp-migrate
- edxapp-runserver
- edxapp-syncdb
- edxapp-update-assets
- edxapp-shell
......@@ -340,17 +340,6 @@
- install
- install:code
# This is necessary for when syncdb is run and the django_openid_auth module is installed,
# not sure if this fix will ever get merged
- name: openid workaround
shell: sed -i -e 's/claimed_id = models.TextField(max_length=2047, unique=True/claimed_id = models.TextField(max_length=2047/' {{ edxapp_venv_dir }}/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django_openid_auth/
when: openid_workaround is defined
sudo_user: "{{ edxapp_user }}"
- install
- install:code
# creates the supervisor jobs for the
# service variants configured, runs
# gather_assets and db migrations
......@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@
- install
- install:configuration
# Syncdb with migrate when the migrate user is overridden in extra vars
# migrate when the migrate user is overridden in extra vars
- name: migrate
command: "{{ COMMON_BIN_DIR }}/edxapp-migrate-{{ item }}"
when: migrate_db is defined and migrate_db|lower == "yes" and COMMON_MYSQL_MIGRATE_PASS and item != "lms-preview"
{% include "edxapp_common.j2" %}
sudo -E -u {{ edxapp_user }} env "PATH=$PATH" {{ edxapp_venv_bin}}/python cms syncdb --migrate --noinput --settings $EDX_PLATFORM_SETTINGS
{% include "edxapp_common.j2" %}
sudo -E -u {{ edxapp_user }} env "PATH=$PATH" {{ edxapp_venv_bin}}/python lms syncdb --migrate --noinput --settings $EDX_PLATFORM_SETTINGS
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