Commit d6667399 by Kevin Falcone

Merge pull request #2870 from edx/jibsheet/add-discovery-to-pre_supervisor

Discovery was missed during the initial ansible work
parents 6e9ae48d 333d8e51
......@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ MIGRATION_COMMANDS = {
'insights': ". {env_file}; {python} {code_dir}/ migrate --noinput --list",
'analytics_api': ". {env_file}; {python} {code_dir}/ migrate --noinput --list",
'credentials': ". {env_file}; {python} {code_dir}/ migrate --noinput --list",
'discovery': ". {env_file}; {python} {code_dir}/ migrate --noinput --list",
HIPCHAT_USER = "PreSupervisor"
......@@ -91,7 +92,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
help="Location of the ecommerce environment file.")
help="Location to of the ecommerce code.")
help="Location of the ecommerce code.")
programs_migration_args = parser.add_argument_group("programs_migrations",
"Args for running programs migration checks.")
......@@ -100,7 +101,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
help="Location of the programs environment file.")
help="Location to of the programs code.")
help="Location of the programs code.")
credentials_migration_args = parser.add_argument_group("credentials_migrations",
"Args for running credentials migration checks.")
......@@ -109,7 +110,16 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
help="Location of the credentials environment file.")
help="Location to of the credentials code.")
help="Location of the credentials code.")
discovery_migration_args = parser.add_argument_group("discovery_migrations",
"Args for running discovery migration checks.")
help="Path to python to use for executing migration check.")
help="Location of the discovery environment file.")
help="Location of the discovery code.")
insights_migration_args = parser.add_argument_group("insights_migrations",
"Args for running insights migration checks.")
......@@ -118,7 +128,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
help="Location of the insights environment file.")
help="Location to of the insights code.")
help="Location of the insights code.")
analyticsapi_migration_args = parser.add_argument_group("analytics_api_migrations",
"Args for running analytics_api migration checks.")
......@@ -127,7 +137,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
help="Location of the analytics_api environment file.")
help="Location to of the analytics_api code.")
help="Location of the analytics_api code.")
hipchat_args = parser.add_argument_group("hipchat",
"Args for hipchat notification.")
......@@ -233,6 +243,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
"ecommerce": {'python': args.ecommerce_python, 'env_file': args.ecommerce_env, 'code_dir': args.ecommerce_code_dir},
"programs": {'python': args.programs_python, 'env_file': args.programs_env, 'code_dir': args.programs_code_dir},
"credentials": {'python': args.credentials_python, 'env_file': args.credentials_env, 'code_dir': args.credentials_code_dir},
"discovery": {'python': args.discovery_python, 'env_file': args.discovery_env, 'code_dir': args.discovery_code_dir},
"insights": {'python': args.insights_python, 'env_file': args.insights_env, 'code_dir': args.insights_code_dir},
"analytics_api": {'python': args.analytics_api_python, 'env_file': args.analytics_api_env, 'code_dir': args.analytics_api_code_dir}
......@@ -17,4 +17,11 @@ setuid {{ supervisor_user }}
{% set credentials_command = "" %}
{% endif %}
exec {{ supervisor_venv_dir }}/bin/python {{ supervisor_app_dir }}/ --available={{ supervisor_available_dir }} --enabled={{ supervisor_cfg_dir }} {% if SUPERVISOR_HIPCHAT_API_KEY is defined %}--hipchat-api-key {{ SUPERVISOR_HIPCHAT_API_KEY }} --hipchat-room {{ SUPERVISOR_HIPCHAT_ROOM }} {% endif %} {% if edxapp_code_dir is defined %}--edxapp-python {{ COMMON_BIN_DIR }}/python.edxapp --edxapp-code-dir {{ edxapp_code_dir }} --edxapp-env {{ edxapp_app_dir }}/edxapp_env{% endif %} {% if xqueue_code_dir is defined %}--xqueue-code-dir {{ xqueue_code_dir }} --xqueue-python {{ COMMON_BIN_DIR }}/python.xqueue {% endif %} {% if ecommerce_code_dir is defined %}--ecommerce-env {{ ecommerce_home }}/ecommerce_env --ecommerce-code-dir {{ ecommerce_code_dir }} --ecommerce-python {{ COMMON_BIN_DIR }}/python.ecommerce {% endif %} {% if insights_code_dir is defined %}--insights-env {{ insights_home }}/insights_env --insights-code-dir {{ insights_code_dir }} --insights-python {{ COMMON_BIN_DIR }}/python.insights {% endif %} {% if analytics_api_code_dir is defined %}--analytics-api-env {{ analytics_api_home }}/analytics_api_env --analytics-api-code-dir {{ analytics_api_code_dir }} --analytics-api-python {{ COMMON_BIN_DIR }}/python.analytics_api {% endif %} {{ programs_command }} {{ credentials_command }}
{% if discovery_code_dir is defined %}
{% set discovery_command = "--discovery-env " + discovery_home + "/discovery_env --discovery-code-dir " + discovery_code_dir + " --discovery-python " + COMMON_BIN_DIR + "/python.discovery" %}
{% else %}
{% set discovery_command = "" %}
{% endif %}
exec {{ supervisor_venv_dir }}/bin/python {{ supervisor_app_dir }}/ --available={{ supervisor_available_dir }} --enabled={{ supervisor_cfg_dir }} {% if SUPERVISOR_HIPCHAT_API_KEY is defined %}--hipchat-api-key {{ SUPERVISOR_HIPCHAT_API_KEY }} --hipchat-room {{ SUPERVISOR_HIPCHAT_ROOM }} {% endif %} {% if edxapp_code_dir is defined %}--edxapp-python {{ COMMON_BIN_DIR }}/python.edxapp --edxapp-code-dir {{ edxapp_code_dir }} --edxapp-env {{ edxapp_app_dir }}/edxapp_env{% endif %} {% if xqueue_code_dir is defined %}--xqueue-code-dir {{ xqueue_code_dir }} --xqueue-python {{ COMMON_BIN_DIR }}/python.xqueue {% endif %} {% if ecommerce_code_dir is defined %}--ecommerce-env {{ ecommerce_home }}/ecommerce_env --ecommerce-code-dir {{ ecommerce_code_dir }} --ecommerce-python {{ COMMON_BIN_DIR }}/python.ecommerce {% endif %} {% if insights_code_dir is defined %}--insights-env {{ insights_home }}/insights_env --insights-code-dir {{ insights_code_dir }} --insights-python {{ COMMON_BIN_DIR }}/python.insights {% endif %} {% if analytics_api_code_dir is defined %}--analytics-api-env {{ analytics_api_home }}/analytics_api_env --analytics-api-code-dir {{ analytics_api_code_dir }} --analytics-api-python {{ COMMON_BIN_DIR }}/python.analytics_api {% endif %} {{ programs_command }} {{ discovery_command }} {{ credentials_command }}
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