Commit cda6645c by Feanil Patel

Merge pull request #838 from edx/feanil/update_legacy_ora

Updates to play and a fix to the role.
parents 214d22f1 bfa62d20
# ansible-playbook -i --limit="tag_group_grader:&tag_environment_stage" legacy_ora.yml -e "COMMON_ENV_TYPE=stage secure_dir=/path/to/secure/dir"
# ansible-playbook -i --limit="tag_group_grader:&tag_environment_stage" legacy_ora.yml -e "COMMON_ENVIRONMENT=stage COMMON_DEPLOYMENT=edx secure_dir=/path/to/secure/dir"
- name: Deploy legacy_ora
hosts: all
sudo: True
gather_facts: True
ora_app_dir: '/opt/wwc'
ora_user: 'www-data'
serial: 1
- "{{secure_dir}}/vars/{{COMMON_ENVIRONMENT}}/legacy-ora.yml"
- legacy_ora
- splunkforwarder
- newrelic
......@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@
- fail: msg="ora_user not defined. eg. ora, www-data"
when: ora_user is not defined
- fail: msg="COMMON_ENV_TYPE not defined. eg. stage, prod"
when: COMMON_ENV_TYPE is not defined
- fail: msg="COMMON_ENVIRONMENT not defined. eg. stage, prod"
when: COMMON_ENVIRONMENT is not defined
- fail: msg="secure_dir not defined. This is a path to the secure ora config file."
when: secure_dir is not defined
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