Commit c40eedad by Sef Kloninger

Stanford README: update ansible commands

parent de09dc73
# Stanford Ansible Configuration Files
This directory has the live playbooks that we use here at Stanford to
maintain our instance of OpenEdX at [][c]. We check
......@@ -23,25 +22,28 @@ Other install docs:
Ansible Commands - Prod
## Ansible Commands - Prod
Generally we do installs as the "ubuntu" user. You want to make
sure that the stanford-deploy-20130415 ssh key is in your ssh agent.
ANSIBLE_CONFIG=prod-ansible.cfg ANSIBLE_EC2_INI=ec2.ini ansible-playbook prod-log.yml -u ubuntu -c ssh -i ./
ANSIBLE_CONFIG=prod-ansible.cfg ANSIBLE_EC2_INI=prod-ec2.ini ansible-playbook prod-app.yml -e "machine=app4" -u ubuntu -c ssh -i ./
Some specifics:
Ansible Commands - Stage
* To hit multiple machines the -e parameter would look like this: ```"machine=app(1|2|4)"```.
Verify that you're doing something reasonable:
* Usually I do with the ```--list-hosts``` option first to verify that I'm
doing something sane before actually running.
ANSIBLE_CONFIG=stage-ansible.cfg ANSIBLE_EC2_INI=ec2.ini ansible-playbook stage-app.yml -u ubuntu -c ssh -i ./ --list-hosts
* To do the utility machines, use ```prod-worker.yml```. Those also
take the machine variable.
Verify that you're doing something reasonable:
ANSIBLE_CONFIG=stage-ansible.cfg ANSIBLE_EC2_INI=ec2.ini ansible-playbook stage-app.yml -u ubuntu -c ssh -i ./
## Ansible Commands - Stage
Command is:
ANSIBLE_CONFIG=stage-ansible.cfg ANSIBLE_EC2_INI=stage-ec2.ini ansible-playbook stage-app.yml -e "machine=app1" -u ubuntu -c ssh -i ./
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