Commit c191c946 by John Jarvis

Refactor how we manage secure data, git-identity changes

* I've moved the example secure directory to playbooks/secure_example,
  the directory structure in your secure repo should mirror that in
* If you run the lms role without a valid git-identity file it will
  fail, there is an empty file checked into the secure_example dir
* Using GIT_SSH env for git checkout, we will also need to use that
  for pip installs that use git if there are private repos in
parent 57a24353
......@@ -39,6 +39,46 @@ version instead of the official v1.1 release._
## Organization
### Secure vs. Insecure data
As a general policy we want to protect the following data:
* Usernames
* Public keys (keys are ok to be public, but can be used to figure out usernames)
* Hostnames
* Passwords, api keys
The folowing yml files and examples serve as templates that should be overridden with your own
environment specific configuration:
* vars in `vars/secure_default/`
* files in `files/secure_default/`
Directory structure for the secure repo:
├── files
├── keys
└── vars
The same directory structure, required yml files and files are
in the secure_example dir:
├── files
├── keys
└── vars
The default `secure\_dir` is set in `group\_vars/all` and can be overridden by
adding another file in group_vars that corresponds to a deploy group name.
The directory structure should follow Ansible best practices.
- hosts: tag_Group_edxapp_custom
# using conditional loading to override defaults for site-specific installs
- ["{{ secure_file_dir }}/edxapp_stage_vars.yml", "vars/secure_default/edxapp_stage_vars.yml"]
- ["{{ secure_file_dir }}/edxapp_custom_vars.yml", "vars/secure_default/edxapp_custom_vars.yml"]
- ["{{ secure_file_dir }}/users.yml", "vars/secure_default/users.yml"]
- ["{{ secure_file_dir }}/edxapp_stage_users.yml", "vars/secure_default/edxapp_stage_users.yml"]
- "{{ secure_dir }}/edxapp_stage_vars.yml"
- "{{ secure_dir }}/edxapp_custom_vars.yml"
- "{{ secure_dir }}/users.yml"
- "{{ secure_dir }}/edxapp_stage_users.yml"
- common
- nginx
- hosts: tag_Group_edxapp_prod
- ["{{ secure_file_dir }}/edxapp_prod_vars.yml", "vars/secure_default/edxapp_prod_vars.yml"]
- ["{{ secure_file_dir }}/users.yml", "vars/secure_default/users.yml"]
- ["{{ secure_file_dir }}/edxapp_prod_users.yml", "vars/secure_default/edxapp_prod_users.yml"]
- "{{ secure_dir }}/edxapp_prod_vars.yml"
- "{{ secure_dir }}/users.yml"
- "{{ secure_dir }}/edxapp_prod_users.yml"
- common
- nginx
# ansible-playbook -v --user=ubuntu edxapp_rolling_example.yml -i ./ --private-key=/path/to/deployment.pem
- hosts: tag_Group_anothermulti
serial: 1
serial: 2
- ["{{ secure_file_dir }}/edxapp_stage_vars.yml", "vars/secure_default/edxapp_stage_vars.yml"]
- ["{{ secure_file_dir }}/users.yml", "vars/secure_default/users.yml"]
- ["{{ secure_file_dir }}/edxapp_stage_users.yml", "vars/secure_default/edxapp_stage_users.yml"]
- "{{ secure_dir }}/vars/edxapp_stage_vars.yml"
- "{{ secure_dir }}/vars/users.yml"
- name: Gathering ec2 facts
......@@ -21,7 +20,7 @@
- common
- nginx
- lms
- ruby
# - ruby
- local_action: command util/ -e {{ ",".join(elbs[ansible_ec2_instance_id]) }} -i {{ ansible_ec2_instance_id }} register
# Register will pass in the same elb list and the same instance id
- hosts: tag_Group_edxapp_stage
- ["{{ secure_file_dir }}/edxapp_stage_vars.yml", "vars/secure_default/edxapp_stage_vars.yml"]
- ["{{ secure_file_dir }}/users.yml", "vars/secure_default/users.yml"]
- ["{{ secure_file_dir }}/edxapp_stage_users.yml", "vars/secure_default/edxapp_stage_users.yml"]
- "{{ secure_dir }}/edxapp_stage_vars.yml"
- "{{ secure_dir }}/users.yml"
- "{{ secure_dir }}/edxapp_stage_users.yml"
- common
- nginx
app_base_dir: /opt/wwc
#where are the secure files on the deploying machine?
secure_file_dir: ../../edx-secret/ansible/vars/
# this path is relative to the playbook dir
secure_dir: 'secure_example'
# this path is relative to the playbook dir
#secure_dir: '../../configuration-secure/ansible'
......@@ -9,11 +9,12 @@
user: name={{ item.user }} append=yes groups={{ "adm,edx,"+",".join(item.groups) }} shell=/bin/bash
sudo: True
with_items: admin_users
when: admin_users is defined
- users
- admin_users
- name: Copying ssh keys for admin users
authorized_key: user={{ item.user }} key="{{ lookup('file', item.path) }}"
authorized_key: user={{ item.user }} key="{{lookup('file', item.path)}}"
sudo: True
with_items: admin_keys
......@@ -23,11 +24,13 @@
user: name={{ item.user }} groups={{ ",".join(item.groups) }} shell=/bin/bash
sudo: True
with_items: env_users
when: env_users is defined
- users
- name: Copying ssh keys for env users
authorized_key: user={{ item.user }} key="{{ lookup('file', item.path) }}"
authorized_key: user={{ item.user }} key="{{lookup('file', item.path)}}"
sudo: True
with_items: env_keys
when: env_keys is defined
- users
exec /usr/bin/ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i /etc/git-identity "$@"
......@@ -15,12 +15,16 @@
# Install ssh keys for ubuntu account to be able to check out from mitx
# Temprory behavior, not needed after June 1. Perhaps still useful as a recipe.
# {{ secure_dir }} is relative to the top-level playbooks dir so there is some
# ugly relative pathing here
- name: install read-only ssh key for mitx repo (private)
copy: src={{ secure_file_dir }}/ssh_deploy_private dest=/home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa force=yes owner=ubuntu group=ubuntu mode=600
- name: install read-only ssh key for mitx repo (public)
copy: src={{ secure_file_dir }}/ssh_deploy_public dest=/home/ubuntu/.ssh/ force=yes owner=ubuntu group=ubuntu mode=644
- name: install read-only ssh key for mitx repo (host github known)
copy: src={{ secure_file_dir }}/ssh_deploy_known_hosts dest=/home/ubuntu/.ssh/known_hosts force=yes owner=ubuntu group=ubuntu mode=600
copy: src=../../../{{ secure_dir }}/files/git-identity dest=/etc/git-identity force=yes owner=root group=root mode=644
sudo: True
- name: upload ssh script
copy: dest=/tmp/ force=yes owner=root group=root mode=755
sudo: True
# Check out mitx repo to $app_base_dir
- name: set permissions on $app_base_dir sgid for edx
......@@ -32,3 +36,5 @@
sudo: True
- name: git checkout mitx repo into $app_base_dir
git: dest=$app_base_dir/mitx
GIT_SSH: /tmp/
......@@ -10,4 +10,4 @@ admin_users:
- user: joe
path: keys/joe.key
path: "{{ secure_dir }}/keys/joe.key"
# Ignore git deployment ssh keys, which should never be checked into source
# control.
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