Commit bface3c1 by e0d

Simplifying template.

parent 8915995b
% {{ ansible_managed }}
{%- set hosts= [] -%}
{%- for host in hostvars.keys() -%}
{% do hosts.append("rabbit@ip-" + host.replace('.','-')) %}
{%- endfor %}
[{cluster_nodes, {['{{ hosts|join("\',\'") }}'], disc}}]}].
{%- else -%}
{# If rabbitmq_clustered_hosts is set, use that instead assuming an aws stack.
Note: That these names should include the node name prefix. eg. 'rabbit@hostname'
[{cluster_nodes, {['{{ rabbitmq_clustered_hosts|join("\',\'") }}'], disc}}]}].
{%- endif -%}
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