Commit b9fe8f2a by Feanil Patel

On vagrant curl is not available by default.

This breaks running the user role on a fresh vagrant box where common has not already been run. This
change should fix that.
parent 393250b0
......@@ -35,4 +35,6 @@ user_rbash_links:
# will take precedence over the paramter
user_info: []
# Need this to get keys.
- curl
......@@ -74,6 +74,15 @@
- name: create the edxadmin group
group: name=edxadmin state=present
- name: Install role-independent useful system packages
# do this before log dir setup; rsyslog package guarantees syslog user present
pkg: "{{ item }}"
install_recommends: yes
state: present
update_cache: yes
with_items: user_debian_pkgs
# some AMIs (such as EMR master nodes) don't read the config files out of /etc/sudoers.d by default
- name: ensure sudoers.d is read
lineinfile: >
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