Commit b9040c00 by Fred Smith

hackathon documentation updates

parent b35e7525
......@@ -17,6 +17,9 @@ and are free to use one, but not the other. The provisioning phase
stands-up the required resources and tags them with role identifiers
so that the configuration tool can come in and complete the job.
__Note__: The Cloudformation templates used for infrastructure provisioning
are no longer maintained. We are working to move to a more modern and flexible tool.
The reference platform is provisioned using an Amazon
[CloudFormation]( template.
When the stack has been fully created you will have a new AWS Virtual
......@@ -33,6 +36,6 @@ configuration tools, we will be migrating features to this project
over time, so expect frequent changes.
For more information including installation instruction please see the [Open edX Operations]( page.
For more information including installation instruction please see the [OpenEdX Wiki](
For info on any large recent changes please see the [change log](
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