Commit b486d4d7 by John Jarvis

fixing executable for xqueue

parent a99dc706
[program:xqueue] [program:xqueue]
{% set executable = xqueue_venv_dir + '/bin/newrelic-admin run-program ' + xqueue_venv_dir + '/bin/gunicorn' %} {% set executable = xqueue_venv_bin + '/newrelic-admin run-program ' + xqueue_venv_bin + '/gunicorn' %}
{% else %} {% else %}
{% set executable = xqueue_venv_dir + '/bin/gunicorn' %} {% set executable = xqueue_venv_bin + '/gunicorn' %}
{% endif %} {% endif %}
{% if ansible_processor|length > 0 %} {% if ansible_processor|length > 0 %}
command={{ xqueue_venv_bin }}/gunicorn --preload -b {{ xqueue_gunicorn_host }}:{{ xqueue_gunicorn_port }} -w {{ ansible_processor|length * 2 }} --timeout=300 --pythonpath={{ xqueue_code_dir }} xqueue.wsgi command={{ executable }} --preload -b {{ xqueue_gunicorn_host }}:{{ xqueue_gunicorn_port }} -w {{ ansible_processor|length * 2 }} --timeout=300 --pythonpath={{ xqueue_code_dir }} xqueue.wsgi
{% else %} {% else %}
command={{ xqueue_venv_bin }}/gunicorn --preload -b {{ xqueue_gunicorn_host }}:{{ xqueue_gunicorn_port }} -w 2 --timeout=300 --pythonpath={{ xqueue_code_dir }} xqueue.wsgi command={{ executable }} --preload -b {{ xqueue_gunicorn_host }}:{{ xqueue_gunicorn_port }} -w 2 --timeout=300 --pythonpath={{ xqueue_code_dir }} xqueue.wsgi
{% endif %} {% endif %}
user={{ common_web_user }} user={{ common_web_user }}
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