Commit ada3818a by Simon Chen

Fix the splunk forwarder install role so it can be run on both ubuntu and RHEL

parent df1ea3fd
......@@ -37,28 +37,28 @@
dest: "/tmp/{{ SPLUNKFORWARDER_DEB }}"
register: download_package
until: download_package|succeeded
register: download_deb
until: download_deb|succeeded
retries: 5
when: ansible_distribution in common_debian_variants
- name: Install splunk forwarder
shell: "gdebi -nq /tmp/{{ SPLUNKFORWARDER_DEB }}"
when: ansible_distribution in common_debian_variants and download_package.changed
when: ansible_distribution in common_debian_variants and download_deb.changed
# Install Splunk Forwarder for common_redhat_variants
- name: Download the splunk rpm
dest: "/tmp/{{ SPLUNKFORWARDER_RPM }}"
register: download_package
until: download_package|succeeded
register: download_rpm
until: download_rpm|succeeded
retries: 5
when: ansible_distribution in common_redhat_variants
- name: Install splunk forwarder
shell: "rpm -i /tmp/{{ SPLUNKFORWARDER_RPM }}"
when: ansible_distribution in common_redhat_variants and download_package.changed
when: ansible_distribution in common_redhat_variants and download_rpm.changed
- name: Create splunk user
......@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
state: present
append: yes
groups: syslog,adm
when: download_package.changed
when: download_rpm.changed or download_deb.changed
# Need to start splunk manually so that it can create various files
# and directories that aren't created till the first run and are needed
......@@ -76,19 +76,19 @@
shell: "{{ splunkforwarder_output_dir }}/bin/splunk start --accept-license --answer-yes --no-prompt"
creates: "{{ splunkforwarder_output_dir }}/var/lib/splunk"
when: download_package.changed
when: download_rpm.changed or download_deb.changed
register: started_manually
- name: Stop splunk manually
shell: "{{ splunkforwarder_output_dir }}/bin/splunk stop --accept-license --answer-yes --no-prompt"
when: download_package.changed and started_manually.changed
when: (download_rpm.changed or download_deb.changed) and started_manually.changed
- name: Create boot script
shell: "{{ splunkforwarder_output_dir }}/bin/splunk enable boot-start -user splunk --accept-license --answer-yes --no-prompt"
creates: /etc/init.d/splunk
register: create_boot_script
when: download_package.changed
when: download_rpm.changed or download_deb.changed
notify: restart splunkforwarder
- name: Ensure splunk forder permissions
......@@ -98,12 +98,12 @@
recurse: yes
owner: splunk
group: splunk
when: download_package.changed
when: download_rpm.changed or download_deb.changed
notify: restart splunkforwarder
- name: Update admin pasword
shell: "{{ splunkforwarder_output_dir }}/bin/splunk edit user admin -password '{{ SPLUNKFORWARDER_PASSWORD }}' -auth admin:changeme --accept-license --answer-yes --no-prompt"
when: download_package.changed
when: download_rpm.changed or download_deb.changed
notify: restart splunkforwarder
- name: Add chkconfig to init script
......@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@
line: "# chkconfig: 235 98 55"
insertafter: "#!/bin/sh"
state: present
when: download_package.changed and create_boot_script.changed
when: (download_rpm.changed or download_deb.changed) and create_boot_script.changed
notify: restart splunkforwarder
- name: Make sure necessary dirs exist
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