Commit aab8bad0 by Feanil Patel

Merge pull request #2151 from edx/master

Merge rbenv change to rc.
parents 17a70451 a8e9768d
......@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ jenkins_plugins:
- { name: "copy-to-slave", version: "1.4.3" }
- { name: "credentials", version: "1.8.3" }
- { name: "dashboard-view", version: "2.9.1" }
- { name: "ec2", version: "1.23" }
- { name: "ec2", version: "1.28" }
- { name: "github", version: "1.8" }
- { name: "github-api", version: "1.44" }
- { name: "github-oauth", version: "0.14" }
......@@ -16,12 +16,14 @@
user: name={{ forum_user }} groups={{ common_web_group }} append=yes
when: forum_user is defined
# Need this in order for the forum user to install and uninstall
# gems using 'bundle' or 'gem'. Can't make it 760 because that
# would break the bin directory under .gem
- name: set forum rbenv and gem permissions
path={{ item }} state=directory recurse=yes mode=770
path={{ item }} state=directory recurse=yes mode="g+rw"
- "{{ forum_app_dir }}/.gem"
- "{{ forum_app_dir }}/.rbenv"
when: forum_user is defined
# Create scripts to configure environment
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