Commit a4cc6885 by Omar Al-Ithawi

Ubuntu 14.04 support: fixed bad paths for libblas and liblapac alternatives.

parent 989a2199
# Set the alternatives this way for blas and lapack to work correctly for the
# Set the alternatives this way for blas and lapack to work correctly for the
# MITx 6.341x course.
# TODO: Switch to using alternatives module in 1.6
- name: code sandbox | Use libblas for 3gf
command: update-alternatives --set /usr/lib/libblas/
- name: code sandbox | Check which `libblas` to use
# The `` exists only in 12.04
stat: path=/usr/lib/libblas/
register: libblas_file
- name: code sandbox | Use in Ubuntu 12.04
alternatives: path=/usr/lib/libblas/
when: libblas_file.stat.exists
- name: code sandbox | Use in Ubuntu 14.04
alternatives: path=/usr/lib/libblas/
when: not libblas_file.stat.exists
- name: code sandbox | Check which `liblapac` to use
# The `` exists only in 12.04
stat: path=/usr/lib/lapack/
register: liblapack_file
- name: code sandbox | Use in Ubuntu 12.04
alternatives: path=/usr/lib/lapack/
when: liblapack_file.stat.exists
- name: code sandbox | Use in Ubuntu 14.04
alternatives: path=/usr/lib/lapack/
when: not liblapack_file.stat.exists
# TODO: Switch to using alternatives module in 1.6
- name: code sandbox | Use liblapac for 3gf
command: update-alternatives --set /usr/lib/lapack/
- name: code sandbox | Create edxapp sandbox user
user: name={{ edxapp_sandbox_user }} shell=/bin/false home={{ edxapp_sandbox_venv_dir }}
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