Commit a48d6ba6 by Arbab Nazar Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #3203 from edx/arbab/local_dev-rewrite

rewrite ansible tasks using YAML syntax
parents a2ce7bd7 6b2945fb
- name: install useful system packages
- name: Install useful system packages
pkg={{','.join(local_dev_pkgs)}} install_recommends=yes
state=present update_cache=yes
name: "{{ item }}"
install_recommends: yes
state: present
update_cache: yes
with_items: "{{ local_dev_pkgs }}"
- name: set login shell for app accounts
user: name={{ item.user }} shell="/bin/bash"
with_items: localdev_accounts
- name: Set login shell for app accounts
name: "{{ item.user }}"
shell: "/bin/bash"
with_items: "{{ localdev_accounts }}"
when: item.user != 'None'
# The user that runs the app needs read/write permissions
# to the directories under var to be able to import and create
# new courses.
- name: update permissions for edxapp data dir
- name: Update permissions for edxapp data dir
path: "{{ edxapp_data_dir }}"
state: "directory"
......@@ -22,85 +27,98 @@
when: edxapp_user is defined
# Create scripts to configure environment
- name: create login scripts
- name: Create login scripts
src=app_bashrc.j2 dest={{ item.home }}/.bashrc
owner={{ item.user }} mode=755
with_items: localdev_accounts
src: app_bashrc.j2
dest: "{{ item.home }}/.bashrc"
owner: "{{ item.user }}"
mode: "0755"
with_items: "{{ localdev_accounts }}"
when: item.user != 'None'
ignore_errors: yes
# Default to the correct git config
# No more accidentally force pushing to master! :)
- name: configure git
- name: Configure git
src=gitconfig dest={{ item.home }}/.gitconfig
owner={{ item.user }} mode=700
with_items: localdev_accounts
src: gitconfig
dest: "{{ item.home }}/.gitconfig"
owner: "{{ item.user }}"
mode: "0700"
with_items: "{{ localdev_accounts }}"
when: item.user != 'None'
ignore_errors: yes
# Configure X11 for application users
- name: preserve DISPLAY for sudo
- name: Preserve DISPLAY for sudo
src=x11_display dest=/etc/sudoers.d/x11_display
owner=root group=root mode=0440
src: x11_display
dest: /etc/sudoers.d/x11_display
owner: root
group: root
mode: "0440"
- name: login share X11 auth to app users
- name: Login share X11 auth to app users
src=share_x11.j2 dest={{ localdev_home }}/share_x11
owner={{ localdev_user }} mode=0700
src: share_x11.j2
dest: "{{ localdev_home }}/share_x11"
owner: "{{ localdev_user }}"
mode: "0700"
- name: update bashrc with X11 share script
- name: Update bashrc with X11 share script
dest={{ localdev_home }}/.bashrc
regexp=". {{ localdev_home }}/share_x11"
line=". {{ localdev_home }}/share_x11"
dest: "{{ localdev_home }}/.bashrc"
regexp: ". {{ localdev_home }}/share_x11"
line: ". {{ localdev_home }}/share_x11"
state: present
# Create scripts to add paver autocomplete
- name: add paver autocomplete
- name: Add paver autocomplete
src: paver_autocomplete
dest: "{{ item.home }}/.paver_autocomplete"
owner: "{{ item.user }}"
group: "{{ common_web_group }}"
mode: 0755
with_items: localdev_accounts
mode: "0755"
with_items: "{{ localdev_accounts }}"
when: item.user != 'None'
ignore_errors: yes
# Add useful vimrc files
- name: create .vim/plugin directory
- name: Create .vim/plugin directory
path: "{{ item.home }}/.vim/ftplugin"
owner: "{{ item.user }}"
group: "{{ common_web_group }}"
state: directory
with_items: localdev_accounts
with_items: "{{ localdev_accounts }}"
when: item.user != 'None'
- name: add .vimrc file
- name: Add .vimrc file
src: vimrc
dest: "{{ item.home }}/.vimrc"
owner: "{{ item.user }}"
group: "{{ common_web_group }}"
mode: 0644
with_items: localdev_accounts
mode: "0644"
with_items: "{{ localdev_accounts }}"
when: item.user != 'None'
- name: add python.vim ftplugin file
- name: Add python.vim ftplugin file
src: ftplugin-python.vim
dest: "{{ item.home }}/.vim/ftplugin/python.vim"
owner: "{{ item.user }}"
group: "{{ common_web_group }}"
mode: 0644
with_items: localdev_accounts
mode: "0644"
with_items: "{{ localdev_accounts }}"
when: item.user != 'None'
# Edit the /etc/hosts file so that the Preview button will work in Studio
- name: add preview.localhost to /etc/hosts
shell: sed -i -r 's/^\s+.*$/ localhost preview.localhost/' /etc/hosts
- name: Add preview.localhost to /etc/hosts
dest: /etc/hosts
regexp: "^"
line: " localhost preview.localhost"
state: present
become: yes
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