Commit a0d2923e by Feanil Patel

Update to externalize route tables.

parent ba5fa06a
......@@ -41,11 +41,7 @@
region: "{{ aws_region }}"
state: "present"
name: "{{ vpc_name }}-public"
- cidr: "{{ vpc_cidr }}"
gateway: 'local'
- cidr: ''
gateway: "{{ }}"
routes: "{{ vpc_public_route_table }}"
register: created_public_rt
- name: create public subnets
......@@ -108,11 +104,7 @@
region: "{{ aws_region }}"
state: "present"
name: "{{ vpc_name }}-private"
- cidr: "{{ vpc_cidr }}"
gateway: 'local'
- cidr: ''
instance: "{{ created_nat_instance.instances[0].id }}"
routes: "{{ vpc_private_route_table }}"
register: created_public_rt
when: potential_existing_nat.instances|length == 0
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