Commit 9fffe2f0 by John Jarvis

Merge pull request #1735 from edx/jarv/nginx-links

moving sites-enabled to /etc/nginx/sites-enabled
parents f4006541 b09d2d9c
......@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ nginx_server_static_dir: "{{ nginx_data_dir }}/server-static"
nginx_conf_dir: "{{ nginx_app_dir }}/conf.d"
nginx_log_dir: "{{ COMMON_LOG_DIR }}/nginx"
nginx_sites_available_dir: "{{ nginx_app_dir }}/sites-available"
nginx_sites_enabled_dir: "{{ nginx_app_dir }}/sites-enabled"
nginx_sites_enabled_dir: "/etc/nginx/sites-enabled"
nginx_user: root
nginx_htpasswd_file: "{{ nginx_app_dir }}/nginx.htpasswd"
nginx_default_sites: []
......@@ -65,10 +65,10 @@ nginx_debian_pkgs:
nginx_default_error_page: "/server/server-error.html"
"500": "{{ nginx_default_error_page}}"
"502": "{{ nginx_default_error_page}}"
"504": "{{ nginx_default_error_page}}"
"500": "{{ nginx_default_error_page }}"
"502": "{{ nginx_default_error_page }}"
"504": "{{ nginx_default_error_page }}"
CMS_HOSTNAME: '~^((stage|prod)-)?studio.*'
nginx_template_dir: "edx/app/nginx/sites-available"
......@@ -31,11 +31,17 @@
apt: pkg={{','.join(nginx_debian_pkgs)}} state=present
notify: restart nginx
- name: Remove the default site
file: >
notify: reload nginx
- name: Server configuration file
template: >
src=etc/nginx/nginx.conf.j2 dest=/etc/nginx/nginx.conf
owner=root group={{ common_web_user }} mode=0644
notify: reload nginx
notify: restart nginx
- name: Creating common nginx configuration
template: >
......@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ http {
# Virtual Host Configs
include {{ nginx_sites_enabled_dir }}/*;
include {{ nginx_conf_dir }}/*.conf;
include {{ nginx_sites_enabled_dir }}/*;
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