Commit 9cf44a8a by Feanil Patel

Change how abby gets notified.

We were previously using the jenkins api which was more complicated than the
buildByTokens plugin and its API.
parent ba0fd895
......@@ -42,7 +42,6 @@ deployments:
# A jenkins URL to post requests for building AMIs
abbey_url: "http://...."
abbey_token: "API_TOKEN"
import argparse
......@@ -154,7 +153,7 @@ def prepare_release(args):
if not args.noop:
# All plays that need new AMIs have been updated.
notify_abbey(config['abbey_url'], config['abbey_token'], args.deployment,
notify_abbey(config['abbey_url'], args.deployment,
all_plays, args.release_id, mongo_uri, config_repo_ver,
config_secure_ver, args.noop)
......@@ -173,33 +172,31 @@ def ami_for(db, env, deployment, play, configuration,
return db.amis.find_one(ami_signature)
import requests
def notify_abbey(abbey_url, abbey_token, deployment, all_plays, release_id,
def notify_abbey(abbey_url, deployment, all_plays, release_id,
mongo_uri, configuration_ref, configuration_secure_ref, noop=False):
for play_name, play in all_plays.items():
for env, ami in play['amis'].items():
if ami is None:
params = []
params.append({ 'name': 'play', 'value': play_name})
params.append({ 'name': 'deployment', 'value': deployment})
params.append({ 'name': 'environment', 'value': env})
params.append({ 'name': 'vars', 'value': yaml.safe_dump(play['vars'], default_flow_style=False)})
params.append({ 'name': 'release_id', 'value': release_id})
params.append({ 'name': 'mongo_uri', 'value': mongo_uri})
params.append({ 'name': 'configuration', 'value': configuration_ref})
params.append({ 'name': 'configuration_secure', 'value': configuration_secure_ref})
build_params = {'parameter': params}"Need ami for {}".format(pformat(build_params)))
params = {}
params['play'] = play_name
params['deployment'] = deployment
params['environment'] = env
params['vars'] = yaml.safe_dump(play['vars'], default_flow_style=False)
params['release_id'] = release_id
params['mongo_uri'] = mongo_uri
params['configuration'] = configuration_ref
params['configuration_secure'] = configuration_secure_ref"Need ami for {}".format(pformat(params)))
if not noop:
r =,
data={"token": abbey_token},
params={"json": json.dumps(build_params)})
params=params)"Sent request got {}".format(r))
if r.status_code != 201:
if r.status_code != 200:
# Something went wrong.
msg = "Failed to submit request with params: {}"
raise Exception(msg.format(pformat(build_params)))
raise Exception(msg.format(pformat(params)))
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Prepare a new release.")
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