Commit 9c1378f8 by Brian Beggs Committed by Feanil Patel

app has replaced the word cluster with app in the create ami CD play. Improved AMI naming

parent 00739aad
......@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
# - instance_id - the ec2 instance ID use to create the AMI
# - edx_environment - value to use for the environment tag
# - deployment - value to use for the deploy tag
# - cluster_repo - the url of the github repo for this cluster
# - cluster_version - git hash of the cluster (play, service, IDA) being deployed
# - app_repo - the url of the github repo for this app
# - app_version - git hash of the app (play, service, IDA) being deployed
# - play - the play that was run
# - configuration_repo - The github url for the configuration repo
# - configuration_version - The version (git hash) of configuration
......@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
# -e play=pipline-test \
# -e deployment=edx \
# -e edx_environment=sandbox \
# -e cluster_version=12345 \
# -e app_version=12345 \
# -e configuration_version=12345
# -e configuration_secure_version=12345
# -e cache_id=12345
......@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
- name: Create AMI
instance_id: "{{ instance_id }}"
name: "{{ play }} -- {{ cluster_version }}"
name: "{{ edx_environment }} -- {{ deployment }} -- {{ play }} -- {{ app_version }}"
region: "{{ ec2_region }}"
wait: "{{ ami_wait }}"
wait_timeout: "{{ ami_creation_timeout }}"
......@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
description: "AMI built via edX continuous delivery pipeline - Ansible version: {{ ansible_version }}"
# used a JSON object here as there is a string interpolation in the keys.
tags: "{
'version:{{ play }}':'{{ cluster_repo }} {{ cluster_version }}',
'version:{{ play }}':'{{ app_repo }} {{ app_version }}',
'version:configuration':'{{ configuration_repo }} {{ configuration_version }}',
'version:configuration_secure':'{{ configuration_secure_repo }} {{ configuration_secure_version }}',
'play':'{{ play }}',
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