Commit 9aebd806 by John Jarvis

updating vpc dns script to conform to the new dns scheme

* pep8 updates
* adding more comments
* refactoring
* adding examples
parent 497a0961
#!/usr/bin/env python -u
# Updates DNS records for a stack
# Example usage:
# # update route53 entries for ec2 and rds instances
# # in the vpc with stack-name "stage-stack" and
# # create DNS entries in the hosted
# # zone
# python -s stage-stack -z
# # same thing but just print what will be done without
# # making any changes
# python -n -s stage-stack -z
# # Create a new zone "", update the parent
# # zone ""
# python -s stage-stack -z
import argparse
import boto
import datetime
from vpcutil import vpc_for_stack_name
from pprint import pprint
r53 = boto.connect_route53()
# Utility Functions
def add_or_update_record(zone, record_name, record_type, record_ttl, record_values):
zone_id = zone.Id.replace("/hostedzone/","")
def add_or_update_record(zone, record_name, record_type,
record_ttl, record_values):
Creates or updates a DNS record in a hosted route53
status_msg = """
record_name: {}
record_type: {}
record_ttl: {}
record_values: {}
""".format(record_name, record_type,
record_ttl, record_values)
if args.noop:
print("Would have updated DNS record:\n{}".format(status_msg))
zone_id = zone.Id.replace("/hostedzone/", "")
records = r53.get_all_rrsets(zone_id)
old_records = {[:-1] : r for r in records }
old_records = {[:-1]: r for r in records}
change_set = boto.route53.record.ResourceRecordSets()
# If the record name already points to something.
# Delete the existing connection.
if record_name in old_records.keys():
print "adding delete"
print("Deleting record:\n{}".format(status_msg))
change = change_set.add_change(
......@@ -38,110 +78,117 @@ def add_or_update_record(zone, record_name, record_type, record_ttl, record_valu
for value in record_values:
r53.change_rrsets(zone_id, change_set.to_xml())
r53.change_rrsets(zone_id, change_set.to_xml())
print("Updated DNS record:\n{}".format(status_msg))
def add_zone_to_parent(zone, parent):
#Add a reference for the new zone to its parent zone.
parent_name = parent.Name[:-1]
zone_name = zone.Name[:-1]
add_or_update_record(parent, zone_name, 'NS', 900, zone.NameServers)
def get_or_create_hosted_zone(zone_name):
Creates the zone and updates the parent
with the NS information in the zone
returns: created zone
def get_or_create_hosted_zone(zone_name):
# Get the parent zone.
zone = r53.get_hosted_zone_by_name(zone_name)
parent_zone_name = ".".join(zone_name.split('.')[1:])
parent_zone = r53.get_hosted_zone_by_name(parent_zone_name)
if not parent_zone:
msg = "Parent zone({}) does not exist."
raise Exception(msg.format(parent_zone_name))
hosted_zone = r53.get_hosted_zone_by_name(zone_name)
if not hosted_zone:
comment="Created by automation.")
hosted_zone = r53.get_hosted_zone_by_name(zone_name)
add_zone_to_parent(hosted_zone, parent_zone)
return hosted_zone
def elbs_for_stack_name(stack_name):
vpc_id = vpc_for_stack_name(stack_name)
elbs = boto.connect_elb()
for elb in elbs.get_all_load_balancers():
if elb.vpc_id == vpc_id:
yield elb
def rdss_for_stack_name(stack_name):
vpc_id = vpc_for_stack_name(stack_name)
rds = boto.connect_rds()
for instance in rds.get_all_dbinstances():
if hasattr(instance, 'VpcId') and instance.VpcId == vpc_id:
yield instance
def ensure_service_dns(generated_dns_name, prefix, zone):
dns_template = "{prefix}.{zone_name}"
# Have to remove the trailing period that is on zone names.
zone_name = zone.Name[:-1]
dns_name = dns_template.format(prefix=prefix,
add_or_update_record(zone, dns_name, 'CNAME', 600, [generated_dns_name])
if args.noop:
if parent_zone:
print("Would have created/updated zone: {} parent: {}".format(
zone_name, parent_zone_name))
print("Would have created/updated zone: {}".format(
zone_name, parent_zone_name))
return zone
if not zone:
print("zone {} does not exist, creating".format(zone_name))
ts = datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%SUTC')
zone = r53.create_hosted_zone(
zone_name, comment="Created by vpc_dns script - {}".format(ts))
if parent_zone:
print("Updating parent zone {}".format(parent_zone_name))
zone_name, 'NS', 900,
return zone
def update_elb_rds_dns(zone):
Creates elb and rds CNAME records
in a zone for args.stack_name.
Uses the tags of the instances attached
to the ELBs to create the dns name
elb_con = boto.connect_elb()
ec2_con = boto.connect_ec2()
rds_con = boto.connect_rds()
vpc_id = vpc_for_stack_name(args.stack_name)
if not zone and args.noop:
# use a placeholder for zone name
# if it doesn't exist
zone_name = "<zone name>"
zone_name = zone.Name[:-1]
stack_rdss = [rds for rds in rds_con.get_all_dbinstances()
if hasattr(rds.subnet_group, 'vpc_id') and
rds.subnet_group.vpc_id == vpc_id]
for rds in stack_rdss:
fqdn = "{}.{}".format('rds', zone_name)
add_or_update_record(zone, fqdn, 'CNAME', 600,
stack_elbs = [elb for elb in elb_con.get_all_load_balancers()
if elb.vpc_id == vpc_id]
for elb in stack_elbs:
for inst in elb.instances:
instance = ec2_con.get_all_instances(
env_tag = instance.tags['environment']
if 'play' in instance.tags:
play_tag = instance.tags['play']
# deprecated, for backwards compatibility
play_tag = instance.tags['role']
play_tag = instance.tags['role']
fqdn = "{}-{}.{}".format(env_tag, play_tag, zone_name)
add_or_update_record(zone, fqdn, 'CNAME', 600, [elb.dns_name])
if play_tag == 'edxapp':
# create courses and studio CNAME records for edxapp
for name in ['courses', 'studio']:
fqdn = "{}.{}".format(name, zone_name)
add_or_update_record(zone, fqdn, 'CNAME',
600, [elb.dns_name])
break # only need the first instance for tag info
except KeyError:
print("Instance {}, attached to elb {} does not "
"have tags for environment and play".format(elb, inst))
if __name__ == "__main__":
description = "Give a cloudformation stack name, for an edx stack, setup \
DNS names for the ELBs in the stack."
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description)
parser.add_argument('-n', '--stackname',
help="The name of the cloudformation stack.",
parser.add_argument('-s', '--stack-name', required=True,
help="The name of the cloudformation stack.")
parser.add_argument('-n', '--noop',
help="Don't make any changes.", action="store_true",
parser.add_argument('-z', '--zone-name', default="",
help="The name of the zone under which to "
"create the dns entries.")
parser.add_argument('-z', '--parent-zone',
help="The parent zone under which the dns for this vpc resides.")
args = parser.parse_args()
stack_name = args.stackname
# Create DNS for edxapp and xqueue.
elb_dns_settings = {
'edxapp': ['courses', 'studio'],
'xqueue': ['xqueue'],
'rabbit': ['rabbit'],
'xserver': ['xserver'],
'worker': ['worker'],
'forum': ['forum'],
# Create a zone for the stack.
parent_zone = ''
if args.parent_zone:
parent_zone = args.parent_zone
zone_name = "{}.{}".format(stack_name, parent_zone)
zone = get_or_create_hosted_zone(zone_name)
stack_elbs = elbs_for_stack_name(stack_name)
for elb in stack_elbs:
for role, dns_prefixes in elb_dns_settings.items():
#FIXME this breaks when the service name is in the stack name ie. testforumstack.
# Get the tags for the instances in this elb and compare the service against the role tag.
if role in elb.dns_name.lower():
for prefix in dns_prefixes:
ensure_service_dns(elb.dns_name, prefix, zone)
# Add a DNS name for the RDS
stack_rdss = list(rdss_for_stack_name(stack_name))
if len(stack_rdss) != 1:
msg = "Didn't find exactly one RDS in this VPC(Found {})"
raise Exception(msg.format(len(stack_rdss)))
ensure_service_dns(stack_rdss[0].endpoint[0], 'rds', zone)
zone = get_or_create_hosted_zone(args.zone_name)
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