Commit 9a9e0f2a by John Jarvis

add and then remove git-identity for xserver

parent 63a50e98
......@@ -23,11 +23,19 @@
- deploy
- name: install read-only ssh key for the content repo that is required for grading
copy: src={{ xserver_git_identity_path }} dest=/etc/git-identity force=yes owner=ubuntu group=adm mode=60
- name: checkout grader code
git: dest={{xserver_grader_dir}} repo={{xserver_grader_source}} version={{xserver_grader_version}}
GIT_SSH: /tmp/
- deploy
- name: remove read-only ssh key for the content repo
file: path=/etc/git-identity state=absent
- name: start xserver
service: name=xserver state=started
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