Commit 8a0cf5ff by Han Su Kim

Moving tasks order, file has to be created first before being copied

Moving order back to before, adding a stat to check if file exists

Correcting use of stat conditional

parent f3e224f9
......@@ -34,11 +34,15 @@
dest={{ COMMON_CFG_DIR }}/playbooks
- name: check to see if server vars already exists
stat: path={{ edx_ansible_var_file }}
register: edx_ansible_var_file_exists
- name: create backup of server vars
copy: >
src={{ edx_ansible_var_file }}
dest={{ edx_ansible_var_file }}.old
when: edx_ansible_var_file_exists.stat.exists or EDX_ANSIBLE_DUMP_VARS
- name: dump all vars to yaml
template: src=dumpall.yml.j2 dest={{ edx_ansible_var_file }} mode=0600
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