Commit 8196024f by Feanil Patel

Support noops and safe_dump yaml for abbey.

parent 0ff01963
......@@ -151,11 +151,12 @@ def prepare_release(args):
all_plays[play]['amis'][env] = None
release['plays'] = all_plays
if not args.noop:
# All plays that need new AMIs have been updated.
notify_abbey(config['abbey_url'], config['abbey_token'], args.deployment,
all_plays, args.release_id, mongo_uri, config_repo_ver,
config_secure_ver, args.noop)
def ami_for(db, env, deployment, play, configuration,
configuration_secure, ansible_vars):
......@@ -173,7 +174,7 @@ def ami_for(db, env, deployment, play, configuration,
import requests
def notify_abbey(abbey_url, abbey_token, deployment, all_plays, release_id,
mongo_uri, configuration_ref, configuration_secure_ref):
mongo_uri, configuration_ref, configuration_secure_ref, noop=False):
for play_name, play in all_plays.items():
for env, ami in play['amis'].items():
if ami is None:
......@@ -181,7 +182,7 @@ def notify_abbey(abbey_url, abbey_token, deployment, all_plays, release_id,
params.append({ 'name': 'play', 'value': play_name})
params.append({ 'name': 'deployment', 'value': deployment})
params.append({ 'name': 'environment', 'value': env})
params.append({ 'name': 'vars', 'value': yaml.dump(play['vars'], default_flow_style=False)})
params.append({ 'name': 'vars', 'value': yaml.safe_dump(play['vars'], default_flow_style=False)})
params.append({ 'name': 'release_id', 'value': release_id})
params.append({ 'name': 'mongo_uri', 'value': mongo_uri})
params.append({ 'name': 'configuration', 'value': configuration_ref})
......@@ -189,15 +190,16 @@ def notify_abbey(abbey_url, abbey_token, deployment, all_plays, release_id,
build_params = {'parameter': params}"Need ami for {}".format(pformat(build_params)))
r =,
data={"token": abbey_token},
params={"json": json.dumps(build_params)})
if not noop:
r =,
data={"token": abbey_token},
params={"json": json.dumps(build_params)})"Sent request got {}".format(r))
if r.status_code != 201:
# Something went wrong.
msg = "Failed to submit request with params: {}"
raise Exception(msg.format(pformat(build_params)))"Sent request got {}".format(r))
if r.status_code != 201:
# Something went wrong.
msg = "Failed to submit request with params: {}"
raise Exception(msg.format(pformat(build_params)))
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Prepare a new release.")
......@@ -206,6 +208,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
msg = "The deployment to build for eg. edx, edge, loadtest"
parser.add_argument('-d', '--deployment', required=True, help=msg)
parser.add_argument('-r', '--release-id', required=True, help="Id of Release.")
parser.add_argument('-n', '--noop', required=True, help="Run without sending requests to abbey.")
parser.add_argument('REPOS', nargs='+',
help="Any number of var=value(no spcae around '='" + \
" e.g. 'edxapp=3233bac xqueue=92832ab'")
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