Commit 7e4d76bd by John Jarvis

updating task name

parent 4369a040
......@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
# Tasks for role edx_service
# Overview:
# This role performs the repetive tasks that most edX roles
......@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
- "{{ COMMON_APP_DIR }}/{{ edx_service_name }}/venvs"
- "{{ COMMON_APP_DIR }}/{{ edx_service_name }}/data"
- name: create edx_service app and venv dir
- name: create edx_service log dir
file: >
path="{{ item }}"
......@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
group="{{ common_web_group }}"
- "{{ COMMON_LOG_DIR }}/{{ edx_service_name }}"
- name: install a bunch of system packages on which edx_service relies
apt: pkg={{ item }} state=present
......@@ -63,4 +63,4 @@
- name: install a bunch of system packages on which edx_service relies
yum: pkg={{ item }} state=present
with_items: "{{ edx_service_name }}_redhat_pkgs"
when: ansible_distribution in common_redhat_variants
\ No newline at end of file
when: ansible_distribution in common_redhat_variants
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