Commit 79440a1a by John Jarvis
parent aed38103
......@@ -52,6 +52,11 @@ COMMON_PYPI_MIRROR_URL: ''
migrate_only: '$run_migration'
XSERVER_GRADER_DIR: "{{ xserver_data_dir }}/data/content-mit-600x~2012_Fall"
XSERVER_LOCAL_GIT_IDENTITY: /var/lib/jenkins/git-identity-edx-pull
cat $extra_vars
......@@ -69,6 +74,13 @@ deploy[ora]=$ora
ssh-keygen -f "/var/lib/jenkins/.ssh/known_hosts" -R "$deploy_host"
cd playbooks/edx-east
# If reconfigure was selected run non-deploy tasks for all roles
if [[ $reconfigure == "true" ]]; then
ansible-playbook -vvvv edx_continuous_integration.yml -i "${deploy_host}," -e "@${extra_vars}" --user ubuntu --skip-tags deploy
# Run deploy tasks for the roles selected
for i in "${!deploy[@]}"; do
if [[ ${deploy[$i]} == "true" ]]; then
ansible-playbook -vvvv deploy_${i}.yml -i "${deploy_host}," -e "@${extra_vars}" --user ubuntu --tags deploy
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