Unverified Commit 78ef4d16 by Nadeem Shahzad Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #4457 from edx/nadeem/OPS-2553

Update marketing GoAgent
parents ece9f7a3 cd1c2397
......@@ -24,6 +24,6 @@ RUN php -r "readfile('http://files.drush.org/drush.phar');" > drush && \
# material that can checkout private github repositories used as pipeline materials. The key material here is faked and
# is only used to pass CI!
# setup the acquia github identity
ADD docker/build/go-agent-marketing/files/acquia_github_key.pem /var/go/.ssh/acquia_github_key
RUN chmod 600 /var/go/.ssh/acquia_github_key && \
chown go:go /var/go/.ssh/acquia_github_key
ADD docker/build/go-agent-marketing/files/acquia_github_key.pem /home/go/.ssh/acquia_github_key
RUN chmod 600 /home/go/.ssh/acquia_github_key && \
chown go:go /home/go/.ssh/acquia_github_key
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