Commit 75364fd2 by Feanil Patel

Merge pull request #1153 from edx/feanil/update_nltk

Use the unzip function since.
parents 499fd66b 7e611f18
- name: Install unzip
apt: pkg=unzip state=present
- name: create the nltk data directory and subdirectories
file: path={{ NLTK_DATA_DIR }}/{{ item.path|dirname }} state=directory
with_items: NLTK_DATA
......@@ -16,9 +19,8 @@
- deploy
- name: unarchive nltk data
unarchive: >
src={{ NLTK_DATA_DIR }}/{{ item.url|basename }}
dest={{ NLTK_DATA_DIR }}/{{ item.path|dirname }}
shell: >
unzip {{NLTK_DATA_DIR}}/{{ item.url|basename }} chdir="{{ NLTK_DATA_DIR }}/{{ item.path|dirname }}"
with_items: NLTK_DATA
when: nltk_download|changed
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