Commit 6b7cdb82 by John Jarvis

updating caching for the cms

parent 62247250
......@@ -72,36 +72,7 @@ server {
{% include "robots.j2" %}
# Check security on this
location ~ ^/static/(?P<file>.*) {
root {{ edxapp_data_dir }};
try_files /staticfiles/$file /course_static/$file =404;
# return a 403 for static files that shouldn't be
# in the staticfiles directory
location ~ ^/static/(?:.*)(?:\.xml|\.json|README.TXT) {
return 403;
location ~ "/static/(?P<collected>.*\.[0-9a-f]{12}\.(eot|otf|ttf|woff))" {
expires max;
add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin *;
try_files /staticfiles/$collected /course_static/$collected =404;
# Set django-pipelined files to maximum cache time
location ~ "/static/(?P<collected>.*\.[0-9a-f]{12}\..*)" {
expires max;
# Without this try_files, files that have been run through
# django-pipeline return 404s
try_files /staticfiles/$collected /course_static/$collected =404;
# Expire other static files immediately (there should be very few / none of these)
expires epoch;
{% include "static-files.j2" %}
# Forward to HTTPS if we're an HTTP request...
if ($http_x_forwarded_proto = "http") {
......@@ -69,36 +69,7 @@ server {
{% include "robots.j2" %}
# Check security on this
location ~ ^/static/(?P<file>.*) {
root {{ edxapp_data_dir }};
try_files /staticfiles/$file /course_static/$file =404;
# return a 403 for static files that shouldn't be
# in the staticfiles directory
location ~ ^/static/(?:.*)(?:\.xml|\.json|README.TXT) {
return 403;
location ~ "/static/(?P<collected>.*\.[0-9a-f]{12}\.(eot|otf|ttf|woff))" {
expires max;
add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin *;
try_files /staticfiles/$collected /course_static/$collected =404;
# Set django-pipelined files to maximum cache time
location ~ "/static/(?P<collected>.*\.[0-9a-f]{12}\..*)" {
expires max;
# Without this try_files, files that have been run through
# django-pipeline return 404s
try_files /staticfiles/$collected /course_static/$collected =404;
# Expire other static files immediately (there should be very few / none of these)
expires epoch;
{% include "static-files.j2" %}
# Forward to HTTPS if we're an HTTP request...
if ($http_x_forwarded_proto = "http") {
location ~ ^/static/(?P<file>.*) {
root {{ edxapp_data_dir }};
try_files /staticfiles/$file /course_static/$file =404;
# return a 403 for static files that shouldn't be
# in the staticfiles directory
location ~ ^/static/(?:.*)(?:\.xml|\.json|README.TXT) {
return 403;
location ~ "/static/(?P<collected>.*\.[0-9a-f]{12}\.(eot|otf|ttf|woff))" {
expires max;
add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin *;
try_files /staticfiles/$collected /course_static/$collected =404;
# Set django-pipelined files to maximum cache time
location ~ "/static/(?P<collected>.*\.[0-9a-f]{12}\..*)" {
expires max;
# Without this try_files, files that have been run through
# django-pipeline return 404s
try_files /staticfiles/$collected /course_static/$collected =404;
# Set django-pipelined files for studio to maximum cache time
location ~ "/static/(?P<collected>[0-9a-f]{7}/.*)" {
expires max;
# Without this try_files, files that have been run through
# django-pipeline return 404s
try_files /staticfiles/$collected /course_static/$collected =404;
# Expire other static files immediately (there should be very few / none of these)
expires epoch;
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