Commit 64690df8 by Feanil Patel

Remove ugly relative pathing.

Providing a full path to the secure repository works just fine.
parent 9cf72c9f
......@@ -34,10 +34,9 @@
# Install ssh keys for ubuntu account to be able to check out from edx-platform
# Temprory behavior, not needed after June 1. Perhaps still useful as a recipe.
# {{ secure_dir }} is relative to the top-level playbooks dir so there is some
# ugly relative pathing here
- name: install read-only ssh key for edx-platform repo (private)
copy: src=../../../{{ secure_dir }}/files/git-identity dest=/etc/git-identity force=yes owner=ubuntu group=adm mode=600
copy: src={{ secure_dir }}/files/git-identity dest=/etc/git-identity force=yes owner=ubuntu group=adm mode=600
- lms
- cms
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