Commit 6045079f by Feanil Patel

Add an env tag to studio and edxapp dns names.

parent 81df0a5f
......@@ -149,6 +149,7 @@ def update_elb_rds_dns(zone):
stack_elbs = [elb for elb in elb_con.get_all_load_balancers()
if elb.vpc_id == vpc_id]
for elb in stack_elbs:
for inst in elb.instances:
instance = ec2_con.get_all_instances(
......@@ -160,13 +161,12 @@ def update_elb_rds_dns(zone):
# deprecated, for backwards compatibility
play_tag = instance.tags['role']
play_tag = instance.tags['role']
fqdn = "{}-{}.{}".format(env_tag, play_tag, zone_name)
add_or_update_record(zone, fqdn, 'CNAME', 600, [elb.dns_name])
if play_tag == 'edxapp':
# create courses and studio CNAME records for edxapp
for name in ['courses', 'studio']:
fqdn = "{}.{}".format(name, zone_name)
fqdn = "{}-{}.{}".format(env_tag, name, zone_name)
add_or_update_record(zone, fqdn, 'CNAME',
600, [elb.dns_name])
break # only need the first instance for tag info
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