Commit 5beb143b by Brian Beggs Committed by GitHub

Revert "chmod and chown the edx_ansible_venv_dir to make vagrant provision more reliable"

parent 03d28e2c
......@@ -10,16 +10,6 @@
- install
- install:code
- name: Ensure directory permissions for Install edx_ansible venv requirements
command: chmod -R 755 "{{ edx_ansible_venv_dir }}"
become: yes
become_user: root
- name: Ensure directory owner for Install edx_ansible venv requirements
command: chown -R "{{ edx_ansible_user }}" "{{ edx_ansible_venv_dir }}"
become: yes
become_user: root
- name: Install edx_ansible venv requirements
requirements: "{{ edx_ansible_requirements_file }}"
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