Commit 5b627096 by Xavier Antoviaque

supervisor-ora: Cleanup duplicate commands in both deploy & ease

parent 1433a5ab
- include: ease.yml
- name: ora | See if supervisord config file `ora.conf` is installed
shell: "[ -f {{ supervisor_cfg_dir }}/ora.conf ] && echo 'Found' || echo ''"
register: ora_installed
......@@ -28,6 +26,8 @@
- deploy
- include: ease.yml
- name: ora | create ora application config
template: src=ora.env.json.j2 dest={{ora_app_dir}}/ora.env.json
sudo_user: "{{ ora_user }}"
- name: ora | See if edx-ora.conf is installed
shell: "[ -f /etc/init/edx-ora.conf ] && echo 'Found' || echo ''"
register: edx_ora_installed
- deploy
- name: ora | See if edx-ora-celery.conf is installed
shell: "[ -f /etc/init/edx-ora-celery.conf ] && echo 'Found' || echo ''"
register: edx_ora_celery_installed
- deploy
# Stop ora service.
- name: ora | stop edx-ora service
service: name=edx-ora state=stopped
when: edx_ora_installed.stdout == 'Found'
- deploy
- name: ora | stop edx-ora-celery service
service: name=edx-ora-celery state=stopped
when: edx_ora_celery_installed.stdout == 'Found'
- deploy
# Do A Checkout
- name: ora | git checkout ease repo into its base dir
git: dest={{ora_ease_code_dir}} repo={{ora_ease_source_repo}} version={{ora_ease_version}}
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