Commit 5a91be36 by Kevin Falcone

Merge pull request #2515 from edx/jibsheet/create_mongo_users

Playbook to create mongo users
parents 3f2d75c1 e34351e8
# This play expects PyMongo to be installed locally. You need to provide
# the hostname or IP address of one of the mongo hosts,
# ansible-playbook -i localhost, create_mongo_users.yml -e@edx.yml -e@stage-edx.yml -e@db/edxapp-mongo.yml
# edxapp-mongo.yml should define MONGO_USERS with the following format
# - user: edxapp001
# password: secret
# database: edxapp
# roles: readWrite
# It should also define a login_host and repl_set. You can set login_host to
# be any member of your cluster as this code will find and connect to the
# primary.
# login_host:
# repl_set: prod-edx-edxapp
- name: Create mongo users
hosts: all
gather_facts: False
connection: local
# This allows you to use your virtualenv's pymongo instead of installing it globally
ansible_python_interpreter: "/usr/bin/env python"
- name: install python mongo module
pip: name=pymongo state=present
- name: create a mongodb user
database: "{{ item.database }}"
login_user: "{{ MONGO_ADMIN_USER }}"
login_password: "{{ MONGO_ADMIN_PASSWORD }}"
login_host: "{{ login_host }}"
name: "{{ item.user }}"
password: "{{ item.password }}"
roles: "{{ item.roles }}"
state: present
replica_set: "{{ repl_set }}"
with_items: MONGO_USERS
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