Commit 4ed0229a by Brian Beggs

Continuous delivery playbook to create an AMI.

parent 6d8f3007
# config file for ansible --
# nearly all parameters can be overridden in ansible-playbook or with command line flags
# ansible will read ~/.ansible.cfg or /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg, whichever it finds first
ansible_managed=This file is created and updated by ansible, edit at your peril
# This playbook will create an AMI from an EC2 instance launched with the
# continuous_deliver/launche_instance playbook.
# Required variables for this playbook:
# - instance_id - the ec2 instance ID use to create the AMI
# - edx_environment - value to use for the environment tag
# - deployment - value to use for the deploy tag
# - cluster_repo - the url of the github repo for this cluster
# - cluster_version - git hash of the cluster (play, service, IDA) being deployed
# - play - the play that was run
# - configuration_repo - The github url for the configuration repo
# - configuration_version - The version (git hash) of configuration
# - configuration_secure_repo - the github url for the configuration secure repository
# - configuration_secure_version - the version (git hash) of configuration secure
# - cache_id - the cache_id version
# Other variables
# - ec2_region - The region used to create the AMI
# - ami_creation_timeout - how long to wait before giving up on AMI creation in seconds
# - ami_wait - (yes/no) should ansible pause while
# - no_reboot - (yes/no) should the instance not be rebooted during AMI creation
# - artifact_path - the path to where this ansible run stores the artifacts for the pipeline
# - edx_app_theme_repo - the edx_app_theme repository
# - edx_app_theme_version - the edx_app_theme repository version (git hash)
# - hipchat_token - API token to send messages to hipchat
# - hipchat_room - ID or name of the room to send the notification
# - hipchat_url - URL of the hipchat API (defaults to v1 of the api)
# Example command line to run this playbook:
# ansible-playbook -vvvv -i "localhost," -c local \
# -e @overrides.yml \
# -e @/tmp/ansible-runtime/d057a5d9-4fc5-4a21-9646-4c135be0b7c8/launch_info.yml \
# -e cluster=pipline-test \
# -e deployment=edx \
# -e edx_environment=sandbox \
# -e cluster_version=12345 \
# -e configuration_version=12345
# -e configuration_secure_version=12345
# -e cache_id=12345
# create_ami.yml
- hosts: all
ec2_region: us-east-1
ami_wait: yes
ami_creation_timeout: 3600
no_reboot: no
artifact_path: /tmp/ansible-runtime
gather_facts: False
connection: local
- name: Create AMI
instance_id: "{{ instance_id }}"
name: "{{ play }} -- {{ cluster_version }}"
region: "{{ ec2_region }}"
wait: "{{ ami_wait }}"
wait_timeout: "{{ ami_creation_timeout }}"
no_reboot: "{{ no_reboot }}"
description: "AMI built via edX continuous delivery pipeline - Ansible version: {{ ansible_version }}"
# used a JSON object here as there is a string interpolation in the keys.
tags: "{
'version:{{ play }}':'{{ cluster_repo }} {{ cluster_version }}',
'version:configuration':'{{ configuration_repo }} {{ configuration_version }}',
'version:configuration_secure':'{{ configuration_secure_repo }} {{ configuration_secure_version }}',
'play':'{{ play }}',
'cache_id':'{{ cache_id }}',
'environment':'{{ edx_environment }}',
'deployment':'{{ deployment }}'
register: ami_register
- name: add optional edx-theme tag
region: "{{ ec2_region }}"
resource: "{{ ami_register.image_id }}"
version:edxapp_theme: "{{ edx_app_theme_repo }} {{ edx_app_theme_version }}"
when: edx_app_theme_version is defined and edx_app_theme_repo is defined
- name: Generate artifact container the instance_id
src: templates/local/ami_template.yml.j2
dest: "{{ artifact_path }}/{{ keypair_id }}/ami.yml"
mode: 0600
- name: Send Hipchat notification AMI is finished baking
api: "{{ hipchat_url }}"
token: "{{ hipchat_token }}"
room: "{{ hipchat_room }}"
msg: "Finished baking AMI for: {{ play }} \n
AMI-ID: {{ ami_register.image_id }} \n
ignore_errors: yes
when: hipchat_token is defined
ami_id: {{ ami_register.image_id }}
ami_message: {{ ami_register.msg }}
ami_state: {{ ami_register.state }}
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