Commit 4e001fea by John Jarvis

updating help string

parent 767a13cc
......@@ -22,16 +22,20 @@ import socket
import datetime
import time
import sys
import re
module: wait_for
short_description: Waits for a given port to become accessible on a server.
short_description: Waits for a condition before continuing.
- This is useful for when services are not immediately available after
their init scripts return - which is true of certain Java application
servers. It is also useful when starting guests with the M(virt) module and
needing to pause until they are ready.
- Waiting for a port to become available is useful for when services
are not immediately available after their init scripts return -
which is true of certain Java application servers. It is also
useful when starting guests with the M(virt) module and
needing to pause until they are ready. This module can
also be used to wait for a file to be available on the filesystem
or with a regex match a string to be present in a file.
version_added: "0.7"
......@@ -53,14 +57,25 @@ options:
- port number to poll
required: true
required: false
- either C(present), C(started), or C(stopped)
- When checking a port C(started) will ensure the port is open, C(stopped) will check that it is closed
- When checking for a file or a search string C(present) will ensure that the file or string is present before continuing
- When checking for a file or a search string C(present) or C(started) will ensure that the file or string is present before continuing
choices: [ "present", "started", "stopped" ]
default: "started"
version_added: "1.4"
required: false
- path to a file on the filesytem that must exist before continuing
version_added: "1.4"
required: false
- with the path option can be used match a string in the file that must match before continuing. Defaults to a multiline regex.
notes: []
requirements: []
author: Jeroen Hoekx, John Jarvis
......@@ -72,10 +87,10 @@ EXAMPLES = '''
- wait_for: port=8000 delay=10"
# wait until the file /tmp/foo is present before continuing
- wait_for: path=/tmp/foo state=present
- wait_for: path=/tmp/foo
# wait until the string "completed" is in the file /tmp/foo before continuing
- wait_for: path=/tmp/foo search_regex=completed state=present
- wait_for: path=/tmp/foo search_regex=completed
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