Commit 4db3ee7a by Kevin Falcone

Merge pull request #3070 from edx/jibsheet/clean-up-staticfiles

Clean up /edx/var/edxapp/staticfiles before paver runs
parents b31b13ce 713b5ccc
......@@ -126,6 +126,24 @@
- migrate
# There are problems with django collectstatic copying files. It doesn't retain
# last modified timestamps, but relies on those same timestamps to know if a new file
# should be recopied. While collectstatic --clear exists, it only clears some of the
# files in edxapp_staticfile_dir, it leaves postprocessed or otherwise hashed files.
# This ensures we have a totally clean directory.
- name: Remove and recreate the staticfiles directory so nothing stale can exist
path: "{{ edxapp_staticfile_dir }}"
state: "{{ item }}"
owner: "{{ edxapp_user }}"
group: "{{ common_web_group }}"
mode: 0755
when: celery_worker is not defined and not devstack
with_items: ['absent', 'directory']
- gather_static_assets
- assets
# Gather assets using paver if possible
- name: "gather {{ item }} static assets with paver"
command: "{{ COMMON_BIN_DIR }}/edxapp-update-assets-{{ item }}"
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