Commit 4b19ff12 by jarv


parent b698e3e5
# Configuration Management
## Ansible
### Installation
mkvirtualenv ansible
pip install -r ansible-requirements.txt
### Launching example cloudformation stack
Change the following in playbooks/cloudformation.yaml to suit your environment:
KeyName: deployment
InstanceType: m1.small
NameTag: edx-ec2
GroupTag: edx-group
And run:
cd playbooks
ansible-playbook cloudformation.yaml -i inventory.ini
While this is running you see the cloudformation events in the AWS console as the stack is brought up.
Loads the playbooks/cloudformation.yaml template which creates a single small EBS backed EC2 instance.
See files/examples for adding other components to the stack.
### Test EC2 tag discovery
This should return a list of tags, assumes you have a `~/.boto` file:
`python playbooks/`
### Running the test playbook
Create a user
cd playbooks
ansible-playbook test.yaml -i --private-key=/path/to/deployment.pem
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