Commit 48ea454c by Carson Gee

Merge pull request #432 from edx/cg/glusterfs

Creates a glusterfs role
parents 903e8644 a0e0d4fd
- path: /mnt/gfsv0
name: gfsv0
replicas: 2
cache_size: 128MB
security: "*"
mount_location: /mnt/data
# Install and configure simple glusterFS shared storage
- name: gluster | all | Install common packages
apt: name={{ item }} state=present
- glusterfs-client
- glusterfs-common
- nfs-common
tags: gluster
- name: gluster | all | Install server packages
apt: name=glusterfs-server state=present
when: >
"{{ ansible_default_ipv4.address }}" "{{ gluster_peers|join(' ') }}"
tags: gluster
- name: gluster | all | enable server
service: name=glusterfs-server state=started enabled=yes
when: >
"{{ ansible_default_ipv4.address }}" in "{{ gluster_peers|join(' ') }}"
tags: gluster
# Ignoring error below so that we can move the data folder and have it be a link
- name: gluster | all | create folders
file: path={{ item.path }} state=directory
with_items: gluster_volumes
when: >
"{{ ansible_default_ipv4.address }}" in "{{ gluster_peers|join(' ') }}"
ignore_errors: yes
tags: gluster
- name: gluster | primary | create peers
command: gluster peer probe {{ item }}
with_items: gluster_peers
when: ansible_default_ipv4.address == gluster_primary_ip
tags: gluster
- name: gluster | primary | create volumes
command: gluster volume create {{ }} replica {{ item.replicas }} transport tcp {% for server in gluster_peers %}{{ server }}:{{ item.path }} {% endfor %}
with_items: gluster_volumes
when: ansible_default_ipv4.address == gluster_primary_ip
ignore_errors: yes # There should be better error checking here
tags: gluster
- name: gluster | primary | start volumes
command: gluster volume start {{ }}
with_items: gluster_volumes
when: ansible_default_ipv4.address == gluster_primary_ip
ignore_errors: yes # There should be better error checking here
tags: gluster
- name: gluster | primary | set security
command: gluster volume set {{ }} auth.allow {{ }}
with_items: gluster_volumes
when: ansible_default_ipv4.address == gluster_primary_ip
tags: gluster
- name: gluster | primary | set performance cache
command: gluster volume set {{ }} performance.cache-size {{ item.cache_size }}
with_items: gluster_volumes
when: ansible_default_ipv4.address == gluster_primary_ip
tags: gluster
- name: gluster | all | mount volume
mount: >
name={{ item.mount_location }}
src={{ gluster_primary_ip }}:{{ }}
with_items: gluster_volumes
tags: gluster
# This required due to an annoying bug in Ubuntu and gluster where it tries to mount the system
# before the network stack is up and can't lookup
- name: gluster | all | sleep mount
lineinfile: >
line='sleep 5; /bin/mount -a'
regexp='sleep 5; /bin/mount -a'
insertbefore='exit 0'
tags: gluster
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