Commit 4241de74 by Sef Kloninger

cfn template: removing ssh stanza hint, too clunky to be useful

parent 16b3f0c4
......@@ -3213,36 +3213,6 @@
"Description":"This is the configuration bits you will need to add to your personal ssh config file to use the bastion host to access machines in your VPC. Typically ~/.ssh/config.",
"Host *.", { "Ref":"AWS::Region" },
"-c ", { "Ref":"EdxVPC" }, " ",
"-d true"
" ProxyCommand ssh -W %h:%p ", { "Ref":"BastionIPAddress" }
" ForwardAgent yes ",
" User ubuntu"
- hosts: tag_Group_edxapp_stage
- hosts: security_group_edx-app-stage2-EdxappServerSecurityGroup-1H8VM8XQZSPZT
- ["{{ secure_file_dir }}/edxapp_stage_vars.yml", "vars/secure_default/edxapp_stage_vars.yml"]
- ["{{ secure_file_dir }}/users.yml", "vars/secure_default/users.yml"]
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