Unverified Commit 41652143 by Nadeem Shahzad Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #4052 from open-craft/clemente/ansible-theme

Create ansible role that deploys a custom theme
parents 6d6d186b a9058a8b
......@@ -87,6 +87,14 @@
- install
- install:code
# Download a theme and apply small modifications like SASS changes
# To enable/disable this, set SIMPLETHEME_ENABLE_DEPLOY
# https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/19472 prevents including the
# role conditionally
- name: Install a theme through simpletheme
name: "simple_theme"
- name: Stat each requirements file with Github URLs to ensure it exists
path: "{{ item }}"
Simple theme
This role allows you to deploy a basic theme on deploy time. The theme can be
customized via ansible variables in the following ways:
- to redefine SASS variables (like colors)
- to include some static files provided in a local directory (e.g. logo)
- to download some static files from URLs (e.g. logo, favicon)
- in addition the theme can be based on an existing theme from a repository
This role will be included by edxapp. The main use case involves deploying a
theme as part of deploying an instance. The new theme will be enabled when
the instance starts.
- The theme name for the deployed theme will be the one specifed in EDXAPP_DEFAULT_SITE_THEME
- The theme will be deployed to a directory of that name.
You have the option to use a skeleton theme. This is the base theme that will be
copied to the target machine, and modified afterwards via the customizations
applied by this role's variables.
Example: if you have a theme in https://github.com/open-craft/edx-theme/tree/harvard-dcex:
- Set EDXAPP_COMPREHENSIVE_THEME_SOURCE_REPO: "https://github.com/open-craft/edx-theme/"
If you don't use a skeleton theme, the deployed theme will just contain the SASS
variables definitions you provide through the other variables, and the static files
you provide. For simple changes like colors+logo+image this will be enough.
Static files (like logo and favicon) will be added from the following sources and in
the following order:
- If no skeleton theme nor static files are provided, the theme will have no static files
- If a skeleton theme was provided, its static files will be used
- Local files from SIMPLETHEME_STATIC_FILES_DIR will be copied, replacing previous ones
- Files from SIMPLETHEME_STATIC_FILES_URLS will be downloaded, replacing previous ones
The intended use of this role is to be run as part of deploy, not after it.
There are other cases in which you may want to run the role independently (after
the instance is running):
- When testing this role.
- If you plan to use it to deploy theme changes. Be aware that this will
overwrite the old theme.
You can use ansible-playbook to test this role independently.
It requires you to pass more variables manually because they're not available
except when running inside "edxapp" role. For instance you might need to pass
edxapp_user (e.g. "vagrant" if you test inside devstack).
Example script to test this role, to be run from devstack, from "vagrant" user:
- source /edx/app/edx_ansible/venvs/edx_ansible/bin/activate
- cd /edx/app/edx_ansible/edx_ansible/playbooks
- ansible-playbook -i localhost, -c local run_role.yml -e role=simple_theme -e configuration_version=master -e edx_platform_version=master -e EDXAPP_DEFAULT_SITE_THEME=mytheme2 -e '{"SIMPLETHEME_SASS_OVERRIDES": [{"variable": "main-color", "value":"#823456"}, {"variable": "action-primary-bg", "value":"$main-color"}]}' -e EDXAPP_COMPREHENSIVE_THEME_SOURCE_REPO="https://github.com/open-craft/edx-theme/" -e EDXAPP_COMPREHENSIVE_THEME_VERSION="harvard-dcex" -e edxapp_user=vagrant -e common_web_group=www-data -e SIMPLETHEME_ENABLE_DEPLOY=true -e '{"SIMPLETHEME_STATIC_FILES_URLS": [{"url": "http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/_static/images/logo_invert.png", "dest":"lms/static/images/logo.png"}, {"url": "http://docs.ansible.com/favicon.ico", "dest":"lms/static/images/favicon.ico"}]}' -e '{"EDXAPP_COMPREHENSIVE_THEME_DIRS":["/edx/var/edxapp/themes"], "EDXAPP_ENABLE_COMPREHENSIVE_THEMING": true}'
Or, if you want to test the task as part of the deployment, change to role=edxapp,
and add --tags some-custom-tag-that-you-should-add-to-the-task
# edX Configuration
# github: https://github.com/edx/configuration
# wiki: https://openedx.atlassian.net/wiki/display/OpenOPS
# code style: https://openedx.atlassian.net/wiki/display/OpenOPS/Ansible+Code+Conventions
# license: https://github.com/edx/configuration/blob/master/LICENSE.TXT
# Simple theme. Creates a basic theme at deploy time.
# See documentation in README.rst
# This file contains the variables you'll need to pass to the role, and some
# example values.
# Skeleton theme. Check README.rst
# Enable/disable deploy
# This flag isn't at the edxapp role because of https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/19472
# This variable holds the main path where the role will copy files.
# "/edx/var/edxapp/themes" or
# "/edx/app/edxapp/themes" or
# "/edx/app/edxapp/themes/edx-platform"
# or any other.
# If you have more than 1 theme dirs, you'll need to override this internal variable
# Define SASS variables
# Apart from giving direct values like '#123456', you may give values that use
# previously defined variables, like '$some-variable', as long as this variable
# is earlier in the list.
# Sample configuration:
# - variable: main-color
# value: '#123456'
# - variable: action-primary-bg
# value: '$main-color'
# - variable: action-primary-fg
# value: '#fff'
# - variable: link-color
# value: 'red'
# - variable: action-secondary-bg
# value: '#07f'
# Files from the specified directory will be copied to the static/ directory.
# This is mainly designed to include images and JS.
# Expected file structure is e.g.
# - lms
# - images
# - logo.png
# - favicon.ico
# - js
# - myscript.js
# - cms
# - images
# - logo.png
# Paths will be transformed like this:
# lms/images/logo.png → lms/static/images/logo.png
# lms/js/myscript.js → lms/static/js/myscript.js
# etc.
# Sample:
# SIMPLETHEME_STATIC_FILES_DIR: "{{ role_path }}/files/example_static_dir"
# These files will be downloaded and included in the static directory after the
# files from SIMPLETHEME_STATIC_FILES_DIR have been copied.
# Local paths must be relative, e.g. "lms/static/images/favicon.ico"
# Example which downloads logo and favicon:
# - url: http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/_static/images/logo_invert.png
# dest: lms/static/images/logo.png
# - url: http://docs.ansible.com/favicon.ico
# dest: lms/static/images/favicon.ico
# This fragment will be inserted in _lms-overrides and will affect all pages
# Sample:
# .header-global h1.logo a img {
# height: 50px;
# }
# .header-global.slim h2 {
# width: 60% !important;
# }
# .wrapper-footer {
# border-top: 3px solid $main-color;
# }
@import 'lms/static/sass/discussion/lms-discussion-main';
@import '../lms-overrides';
@import 'lms/static/sass/lms-course';
@import 'lms-overrides';
@import 'lms/static/sass/lms-main-v1';
@import 'lms-overrides';
@import 'lms/static/sass/lms-main-v2';
@import 'lms-overrides';
# edX Configuration
# github: https://github.com/edx/configuration
# wiki: https://openedx.atlassian.net/wiki/display/OpenOPS
# code style: https://openedx.atlassian.net/wiki/display/OpenOPS/Ansible+Code+Conventions
# license: https://github.com/edx/configuration/blob/master/LICENSE.TXT
dependencies: []
# edX Configuration
# github: https://github.com/edx/configuration
# wiki: https://openedx.atlassian.net/wiki/display/OpenOPS
# code style: https://openedx.atlassian.net/wiki/display/OpenOPS/Ansible+Code+Conventions
# license: https://github.com/edx/configuration/blob/master/LICENSE.TXT
# Simple theme
# See documentation in README.rst
# Require comprehensive theming
# EDXAPP_COMPREHENSIVE_THEME_DIRS.0 is usually "/edx/app/edxapp/themes"
- assert:
msg: "Simple-theme deployment requires comprehensive theming to be enabled"
- assert:
msg: "Simple-theme needs to know the name of the deployed theme. Pass it in EDXAPP_DEFAULT_SITE_THEME"
- name: Check whether theme directory already exists
stat: path="{{ simpletheme_folder }}"
register: simpletheme_folder_stat
# Note that if a theme already exists in the destination directory, it won't be
# deleted or redownloaded. It would be better to redownload, but for that we
# need https://github.com/ansible/ansible-modules-core/issues/5292 to be fixed,
# or to implement a workaround.
- block:
- name: Download skeleton theme
dest: "{{ simpletheme_folder }}"
version: "{{ EDXAPP_COMPREHENSIVE_THEME_VERSION | default('master') }}"
# force: yes # Disabled due to ansible bug, see above
# Done in a separate step because "git:" doesn't have owner/group parameters
- name: Adjust owner/group of downloaded skeleton theme
dest: "{{ simpletheme_folder }}"
owner: "{{ edxapp_user }}"
group: "{{ common_web_group }}"
recurse: yes
when: EDXAPP_COMPREHENSIVE_THEME_SOURCE_REPO != "" and not simpletheme_folder_stat.stat.exists
# If no skeleton theme, we still need some SASS files to include our SASS partials
- block:
- name: Create default skeleton (dirs)
path: "{{ simpletheme_folder }}/{{ item.path }}"
state: directory
owner: "{{ edxapp_user }}"
group: "{{ common_web_group }}"
with_filetree: "../files/default_skeleton"
when: item.state == 'directory'
- name: Create default skeleton (files)
src: "{{ item.src }}"
dest: "{{ simpletheme_folder }}/{{ item.path }}"
owner: "{{ edxapp_user }}"
group: "{{ common_web_group }}"
with_filetree: "../files/default_skeleton"
when: item.state != 'directory'
when: EDXAPP_COMPREHENSIVE_THEME_SOURCE_REPO == "" and not simpletheme_folder_stat.stat.exists
# These are directories to hold the compiled templates included in this role
- name: Create directory to hold the theme and styles
path: "{{ simpletheme_folder }}/{{ item }}"
state: directory
owner: "{{ edxapp_user }}"
group: "{{ common_web_group }}"
- "."
- "lms/static/sass/partials/base"
- name: Compile the templates
src: "{{ item }}.j2"
dest: "{{ simpletheme_folder }}/{{ item }}"
owner: "{{ edxapp_user }}"
group: "{{ common_web_group }}"
# List of files from ./templates to be processed
- "lms/static/sass/partials/base/_variables.scss"
- "lms/static/sass/_lms-overrides.scss"
# Copying static files is done in two steps: create directories + copy files
# (while renaming their path to add "static/"). There could be a 1-step solution,
# e.g requesting with_filetree with depth 1 (if this is possible in ansible).
# Note: with_fileglob doesn't take directories, but with_filetree does.
- block:
- name: Create directories for static files to be copied
path: "{{ simpletheme_folder }}/{{ item.path | regex_replace('^([^/]+)/(.+)$','\\1/static/\\2') }}"
state: directory
owner: "{{ edxapp_user }}"
group: "{{ common_web_group }}"
with_filetree: "{{ SIMPLETHEME_STATIC_FILES_DIR }}"
when: item.state == 'directory'
- name: Copy static files (adding "static/")
src: "{{ item.src }}"
dest: "{{ simpletheme_folder }}/{{ item.path | regex_replace('^([^/]+)/(.+)$','\\1/static/\\2') }}"
owner: "{{ edxapp_user }}"
group: "{{ common_web_group }}"
with_filetree: "{{ SIMPLETHEME_STATIC_FILES_DIR }}"
when: item.state != 'directory'
# Downloading remote files is done in two steps: create directorie + download each file.
# This step is done after the static files from SIMPLETHEME_STATIC_FILES_DIR have been
# copied, therefore remote files may overwrite the previously installed static files.
- block:
- name: Create directories for static files to be downloaded
path: "{{ simpletheme_folder }}/{{ item.dest | dirname }}"
state: directory
owner: "{{ edxapp_user }}"
group: "{{ common_web_group }}"
- name: Download static files to be included in theme
url: "{{ item.url }}"
dest: "{{ simpletheme_folder }}/{{ item.dest }}"
force: yes
owner: "{{ edxapp_user }}"
group: "{{ common_web_group }}"
# Simple theme
# See documentation in README.rst
# This flag should have been called EDXAPP_SIMPLETHEME_DEPLOY
# but it would be incompatible with include_role because of
# https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/19472
# Therefore we use "include" here (instead of "include_role")
# And because the theme is only needed for the web application, we skip running
# the role for the Celery workers
- include: deploy.yml
when: SIMPLETHEME_ENABLE_DEPLOY and (celery_worker is not defined or not (celery_worker|bool))
/* Extra SASS as defined by simple_theme starts here: */
/* Extra SASS as defined by simple_theme ends here. */
@import 'lms/static/sass/partials/base/variables';
/* Variables from simple_theme role start here */
${{ item.variable }}: {{ item.value }};
{% endfor %}
/* Variables from simple_theme role end here */
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