Commit 3d842858 by Feanil Patel

Add a tag to just add users.

parent 0c424674
# Creating a new ad hoc reporting box:
# ansible-playbook -i ',' ./ad_hoc_reporting.yml -e@/var/path/common.yml -e@/vars/path/environnment-deployment.yml
# Updating the users on an existing box:
# ansible-playbook -i ',' ./ad_hoc_reporting.yml --tags users -e@/var/path/common.yml -e@/vars/path/environnment-deployment.yml
- name: Deploy Ad Hoc Reporting Scripts
hosts: all
sudo: True
......@@ -13,4 +13,6 @@
- role: user
user_info: "{{ AD_HOC_REPORTING_USER_INFO }}"
- users
- aws
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