Commit 3cb92a0f by Fred Smith

set no-cache on 404s on static files

parent 9f77d3c7
......@@ -111,6 +111,7 @@
- { src: 'etc/nginx/nginx.conf.j2', dest: '/etc/nginx/nginx.conf', group: '{{ common_web_user }}', mode: "0644" }
- { src: 'edx/app/nginx/sites-available/edx-release.j2', dest: '{{ nginx_sites_available_dir }}/edx-release', group: 'root', mode: "0600" }
- { src: 'edx/app/nginx/sites-available/maps.j2', dest: '{{ nginx_sites_available_dir }}/maps', group: 'root', mode: "0600" }
notify: restart nginx
- install
......@@ -131,12 +132,15 @@
- name: Creating link for common nginx configuration
src: "{{ nginx_sites_available_dir }}/edx-release"
dest: "{{ nginx_sites_enabled_dir }}/edx-release"
src: "{{ nginx_sites_available_dir }}/{{ item }}"
dest: "{{ nginx_sites_enabled_dir }}/{{ item }}"
state: link
owner: root
group: root
notify: reload nginx
- "edx-release"
- "maps"
- install
- install:configuration
# nginx maps are defined at the top level and are global
# cache header for static files
map $status $cache_header_long_lived {
default "max-age=315360000";
404 "no-cache";
map $status $cache_header_short_lived {
default "max-age=300";
404 "no-cache";
......@@ -16,14 +16,14 @@
location ~ "/static/(?P<collected>.*\.[0-9a-f]{12}\.(eot|otf|ttf|woff|woff2)$)" {
expires max;
add_header "Cache-Control" $cache_header_long_lived always;
add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin *;
try_files /staticfiles/$collected /course_static/$collected =404;
# Set django-pipelined files to maximum cache time
location ~ "/static/(?P<collected>.*\.[0-9a-f]{12}\..*)" {
expires max;
add_header "Cache-Control" $cache_header_long_lived always;
# Without this try_files, files that have been run through
# django-pipeline return 404s
try_files /staticfiles/$collected /course_static/$collected =404;
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
# Set django-pipelined files for studio to maximum cache time
location ~ "/static/(?P<collected>[0-9a-f]{7}/.*)" {
expires max;
add_header "Cache-Control" $cache_header_long_lived always;
# Without this try_files, files that have been run through
# django-pipeline return 404s
......@@ -40,8 +40,8 @@
{% include "static-files-extra.j2" ignore missing %}
# Expire other static files immediately (there should be very few / none of these)
expires 300;
# Non-hashed files (there should be very few / none of these)
add_header "Cache-Control" $cache_header_short_lived always;
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