Commit 342941d5 by Will Daly

Merge pull request #348 from edx/will/jenkins-custom-git-plugin

Will/jenkins custom git plugin
parents 72a164af b84dcbb9
......@@ -12,8 +12,7 @@ jenkins_plugins:
- { name: "copyartifact", version: "1.28" }
- { name: "credentials", version: "1.8.3" }
- { name: "dashboard-view", version: "2.9.1" }
- { name: "ec2", version: "1.18" }
- { name: "git", version: "1.5.0" }
- { name: "ec2", version: "1.19" }
- { name: "github", version: "1.8" }
- { name: "github-api", version: "1.44" }
- { name: "github-oauth", version: "0.14" }
......@@ -29,8 +28,8 @@ jenkins_plugins:
- { name: "postbuild-task", version: "1.8" }
- { name: "s3", version: "0.5" }
- { name: "ssh-agent", version: "1.3" }
- { name: "ssh-credentials", version: "0.3" }
- { name: "ssh-slaves", version: "0.25" }
- { name: "ssh-credentials", version: "1.5.1" }
- { name: "ssh-slaves", version: "1.4" }
- { name: "shiningpanda", version: "0.20" }
- { name: "tmpcleaner", version: "1.1" }
- { name: "token-macro", version: "1.8.1" }
......@@ -39,8 +38,19 @@ jenkins_plugins:
- { name: "multiple-scms", version: "0.2" }
- { name: "timestamper", version: "1.5.7" }
- { repo_name: "git-client-plugin",
repo_url: "",
package: "git-client.hpi",
version: "2f7fc4648fe7239918a7babd0515930d40d0a761" }
- { repo_name: "git-plugin",
repo_url: "",
package: "git.hpi",
version: "4c2fb3517ca11b04dfc06c714530f885698fcfb7" }
- openjdk-7-jdk
- nginx
- git
- maven
- python-pycurl
......@@ -46,38 +46,48 @@
sudo_user: jenkins
shell: mkdir -p {{ jenkins_home }}/plugins
- name: jenkins_master | Install Jenkins plugins
sudo_user: jenkins
# We first download the plugins to a temp directory and include
# the version in the file name. That way, if we increment
# the version, the plugin will be updated in Jenkins
- name: jenkins_master | Download Jenkins plugins
get_url: url=${}/${item.version}/${}.hpi
dest={{ jenkins_home }}/plugins/${}.hpi
with_items: "{{ jenkins_plugins }}"
- name: jenkins_master | Install Jenkins plugins
command: cp /tmp/${}_${item.version} {{ jenkins_home }}/plugins/${}.hpi
with_items: "{{ jenkins_plugins }}"
- name: jenkins_master | Set Jenkins plugin permissions
file: path={{ jenkins_home }}/plugins/${}.hpi
owner={{ jenkins_user }} group={{ jenkins_group }} mode=700
with_items: "{{ jenkins_plugins }}"
- jenkins_master | restart Jenkins
# We had to fork the git-client plugin repo
# to fix an obscure bug. If and when the PR gets
# merged into the main repo and released,
# we can use the regular plugin install process.
# Until then, we need to compile and install it ourselves.
- name: jenkins_master | Checkout custom git-client plugin repo
git: repo=
- name: jenkins_master | Compile custom git-client plugin
command: mvn install chdir=/tmp/git-client-plugin
- name: jenkins_master | Install custom git-client
command: mv /tmp/git-client-plugin/target/git-client.hpi
{{ jenkins_home }}/plugins/git-client.hpi
creates={{ jenkins_home }}/plugins/git-client.hpi
# We had to fork some plugins to workaround
# certain issues. If these changes get merged
# upstream, we may be able to use the regular plugin install process.
# Until then, we compile and install the forks ourselves.
- name: jenkins_master | Checkout custom plugin repo
git: repo=${item.repo_url} dest=/tmp/${item.repo_name} version=${item.version}
with_items: "{{ jenkins_custom_plugins }}"
- name: jenkins_master | Compile custom plugins
command: mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true install chdir=/tmp/${item.repo_name}
with_items: "{{ jenkins_custom_plugins }}"
- name: jenkins_master | Install custom plugins
command: mv /tmp/${item.repo_name}/target/${item.package}
{{ jenkins_home }}/plugins/${item.package}
with_items: "{{ jenkins_custom_plugins }}"
- jenkins_master | restart Jenkins
- name: jenkins_master | Set git-client plugin permissions
file: path={{ jenkins_home }}/plugins/git-client.hpi
owner={{ jenkins_user }} group={{ jenkins_group }}
- name: jenkins_master | Set custom plugin permissions
file: path={{ jenkins_home }}/plugins/${item.package}
owner={{ jenkins_user }} group={{ jenkins_group }} mode=700
with_items: "{{ jenkins_custom_plugins }}"
- name: jenkins_master | Setup nginix vhost
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